HaloITSM PowerShell Integration
Integrate PowerShell with ITSM software and run scripts based on Halo Service Desk events.
HaloITSM integrates with Powershell Scripts, helping you to automate administrative tasks based on HaloITSM events with ease.
Parameters specified within the PowerShell script can be mapped to HaloITSM fields and the values of these fields passed into the script when run. Scripts can even be assigned to particular actions, or, be linked with an approval process.
- Run PowerShell scripts from HaloITSM events.
- Scripts can be created from within the HaloITSM platform.
- There is no limit on the number of scripts you can create.
- Create PowerShell scripts to run when processes are approved.
- Run PowerShell scripts as part of HaloITSM Scheduled Tasks.
To get started, HaloITSM needs to know all details of your PowerShell Script and the mappings of the HaloITSM fields to your PowerShell Script parameters. Following this, simply choose the outcome in HaloITSM once the Script has been run successfully and you are ready to go! You can then apply these scripts to approval processes and actions within HaloITSM.
Setting up your integration with PowerShell couldn’t be more straightforward. We have even created easy to follow instructions on carrying this out and our support team are ready to help should you need it.
To find out about our other integrations available, visit our integration page.
Integrate PowerShell with ITSM, Integrate PowerShell with ITSM