HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Purchase Orders
If an end-user would like to purchase something (either an item or a service) that your company does not have in stock, Halo has the ability to raise purchase orders to the relevant supplier. To access the Purchase Orders area, please head into Configuration and ensure that the 'Purchase Orders' module is activated by hovering over the button and clicking the plus icon:
You will then be able to access the Purchase Orders area, which can be found by clicking into the 'Quotes & Orders' tab:
There are several ways that Purchase orders can be raised within Halo:
- From an existing Sales Order - A Purchase Order can either be raised on a per-item basis (by editing the item and ticking the highlighted field below):
- Or by clicking the 'Create PO' action (highlighted below):
- From a Ticket - A Purchase Order can be created from a ticket by creating an action with system use 'Create Purchase Order':
- For more information regarding the configuration of actions, please visit https://haloservicedesk.com/guides/article/?kbid=978
- From the Supplier Screen - When viewing a supplier, you will find the 'Purchase Orders' tab:
By clicking onto this tab and hitting 'New', you will be able to create a Purchase Order against this supplier.
- From the Purchase Orders screen - You can create a Purchase Order directly from the Purchase Order page by hitting 'New' found in the top right-hand side of the PO screen.
Upon creating a Purchase Order you will see a details list down the right-hand side of the screen:
- Supplier - Select the supplier to raise the Purchase Order against.
- End-User Details - Select the end-user to raise the Purchase Order for (generally the individual requesting the item/service). You may also specify whether or not you would like to use the end-user address as the delivery address.
- Purchase Order Details - This is where you may populate information relevant to the Purchase Order such as reference (please note that, if you raise a Purchase Order from a ticket, the reference will be the ticket ID followed by a hyphen and then the number of the quotation in the list), status, creation/estimated delivery date, carriage (delivery method), authorised by and cost centre. Cost centres can be configured via heading to Configuration>Purchase Orders and clicking the 'Cost Centres' button:
- Print Options - This is where you can specify the PDF template that applies to the Purchase Order. For more information on how to configure PDF templates, please visit https://haloservicedesk.com/guides/article/?kbid=1098.
Similar to Quotes and Sales Orders, there are two ways to add items to a Purchase Order; either from the list of available items or on an ad-hoc basis.
When adding from the pre-existing list of items, you will first be presented with all available items under the supplier. Upon selecting appropriate quantities of the relevant items, you will be presented with the 'Add Items' window. This is where you can populate information relating to the given item such as: description, supplier code, quantity, unit price, tax code, item group, and any required notes. When adding items on an ad-hoc basis, you will be taken directly to the 'Add Items' window where you can fill in the details accordingly.
Once you have populated the relevant details and added all the required items, please hit 'Save'. You will then be able to send your new PO to the associated supplier!
You will find that, upon saving, you will be presented with some additional actions:
- Edit - This will allow you to modify any of the information set against your new Purchase Order.
- Print Preview - This will allow you to preview the PDF of your PO, formatted as per the specified PDF template.
- Generate PDF - This will allow you to create a PDF of your Purchase Order, formatted as per the PDF template chosen.
- Request Approval - This will allow you to send an approval request email to any required address, with the recipient of the email being able to approve/reject the PO.
- Send - This will allow you to email your PO to any given address, with the PO attached as a PDF (formatted as per the specified template).
- Delete - Delete your Purchase Order.
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