HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Top Bar
Field | Type | Description |
Edit / Save | Button | Enables edit mode, and saves changes made. |
Resend email confirmation | Button | Sends another email to the Agent's email address for them to verify their account with. |
Change Profile Picture | Button | Presents a menu for uploading a new Profile Picture |
Clone this Agent Account | Button | Creates an exact replica of the Agent you are viewing, it is advised you rename this clone. |
Revoke All Tokens | Button | Forces the Agent to sign in next time they access the application, along with any 2FA or SSO processes. |
Impersonate Agent | Button | When clicked, the agents account will be logged into so that the admin can see exactly what the agent is seeing on their Halo. For this button to appear their is an advanced setting called "Allow admins to impersonate Agents" there is also an option to impersonate users, these impersonation options can be checked on in Configuration > Advanced Settings. |
Delete | Button | Deletes the Agent's Account (you will be warned). |
Field | Type | Description |
Username | Free Text | Display name of the Agent in lists. |
Email Address | Free Text | The email address of the selected Agent. |
Password | Free Text (Encrypted) | The password used to log in to this Agent's account. With the correct permission, this can be viewed as plain text, but is encrypted by default. |
Use AD authentication | Single Select | Options to choose are Yes or No. |
Two Factor Enabled | Checkbox | Turns the selected Two Factor Authentification method on / off, these are set up in Advanced Settings. |
Status | Single Select | Allows an Agent to set their status, which can be used to indicate their availability for certain services / operations. |
Roles | Multiple Select | Any roles selected here will apply their permissions to the Agent. The highest granted permission for each node will be applied if multiple roles are combined. |
Account Active | Checkbox | Marks the Agent as Active. This is what determines whether the Agent will use a Licence or not. |
Is an API-only Agent | Checkbox | Marks the Agent as an API agent. Beware that API-only Agents may not log into the Web or Mobile Applications nor can they be assigned tickets. However, they do not take up a licence. They are used for API actions only. |
First Name | Free Text | First name of the Agent |
Surname | Free Text | Surname of the Agent |
Initials | Free Text | Initials of the Agent. This will be used as a default profile picture if no other is set. |
Phone Number | Free Text | The Agent's phone number, letters and special characters are allowed for location code purposes. |
Telephone Extension | Free Text | The Agent's Telephone Extension, for use in cases where extensions are used by the company. |
Windows Username | Free Text | The username used for logging into the Office365 service linked to the application. |
Default Team | Single Select | This is the team that will come up whenever a single team is required to be displayed against an Agent. An Agent can still belong to multiple teams. |
Job Title | Free Text | The job title of the Agent. |
Work Hours | Single Select | Provides a selection between the available workdays, and additionally a 24 workday, or the default for all Agents. This will be used for timesheets and other time-logging. |
Lunch Break Duration | Integer | The duration allotted to the Agent for their lunch period. This is simply used to detract from the workday hours to produce a figure for 'target hours' on an Agent's timesheet. |
Default Charge Rate | Single Select | The default charge rate that will be applied to this Agent's actions. This can be overridden should the charge rate field be available for modification, either at or past the point of action submission. |
Cost Per Hour | Integer | This setting is only available if the Billing module is enabled. Define what the agent costs per hour. The use case of this si for profitability reports, to see what the agent is costing the company and how profitable it is. |
Manager | Single Select | Dictates who can manage this Agent's timesheet, this manager must have the timesheet modification permission "Read and Modify (Managed)" to be able to do so. This is who can approve timesheets. |
Holiday Allowance | Integer | The number of holiday days allotted to the Agent. These limit the time that can be taken off when booking holiday via the calendar. |
Quote margin (%) to require approval | Dropdown | If overridden at agent level, you will be required to give a percentage |
Minimum PO Cost to require approval | Single Select / Integer | Dictates how much a PO must cost in order to require approval from the designated approver(s) instead of going straight through without approval. This can be set to the global setting, or set manually per-agent. |
Can approve Purchase Orders | Checkbox | Allows the Agent to partake in PO approvals. PO approvals must be enabled in Configuration > Purchase Orders. |
Can approve Invoices | Checkbox | Allows the Agent to partake in Invoice approvals. Invoice approvals must be enabled in Configuration > Billing > General Settings. |
Exclude this Agent from automatic assignment (Load Balance, Round Robin etc) | Checkbox | Excludes the agent from any automatic assignment of tickets, such as load balance and round robin. |
Preferences (General Settings)
Field | Type | Description |
Profile Colour | Colour Chart | Sets the colour of the background to their Halo profile picture, should an image not have been uploaded. |
Application Theme | Single Select | Dictates the overall look of the Halo screen, choices include Light, Dark or Standard. |
Application Colour | Single Select / Colour Chart | Sets the colour used for the peripherals of the Halo application, for example the navigation bar. There is a choice between the Global Setting (set in Advanced Settings), the Default, or a custom colour, which presents a colour chart. |
Navigation menu display | Single Select | Allows the choice of icon size for the Navigation Menu (LHS). |
Enable High Contrast Mode | Checkbox | Turns on High Contrast Mode, a colour theme to assist the colourblind, or simply for those that like it to look that way. |
Application Language | Single Select | Allows the choice between the language packs available on the application. By default, these will include all majorly used languages, but more can be configured in the Language section of the configuration. |
Default Main Screen List Type | Single Select | Provides a choice for default views to be applied to tables, Table, Tile and Kanban views are available. |
List Preview Mode | Single Select | Provides the choice between having list items open as a whole window, or for them to open in a side-tab alongside the list. |
Main Screen Page Size | Integer | A configurable size proportion, with base 100, to customise the size of screen items, such as text and images. |
Popout Display | Single Select | This provides a choice over how 'new screen' items behave. I.e. when opening something that would normally open up in a new tab, you can choose between it either opening in a new window, a new tab, or a modal screen inside the same tab, like some of the configuration boxes that pop up. |
Navigation Menu | Single Select | Dictates the behaviour of the Navigation Menu (LHS), you can choose between it being on the left all the time, or only when the menu button is clicked. |
New notification sound | Single Select | Provides the option to mute notification sounds, or to follow the system default. |
New chat message sound | Single Select | Provides the option to mute chat message sounds, or to follow the system default. |
Email Signature | Rich Text | Allows the Agent to set an Email Signature which will be populated with the $.AGENTSIGNATURE variable, and is usually appended to the end of Email messages. |
Dashboard to show on the home screen | Single Select | This will be the dahsboard shown on the home screen for the agent, can be set globally in Configuration > Reporting > General Settings |
Chart to show on home screen | Single Select | This option is only visible if the globally set dashboard is "Default" and then the dashboard set on the agent is "Global Setting". Or if the "Default" option is set on the agents dashboard setting then the chart will be visible. Charts can be created from reports via the sidebar tab "Chart Setup" this guide covers Configuring Charts |
Side menu dashboard | Single Select | This option, when set will show a new button on the top right of the screen beside the to-do list button (looks like a speedometer). This guide has a video going over setting up a isd emenu dashboard to show followed tickets: Guide |
Preferences (Tickets)
Field | Type | Description |
Default View | Single Select | This will be the default view the agent will see when clicking into the tickets module. Options Include 'TIckets by Team' , 'My lists' , etc... |
Default Filter Profile | Single Select | This will be the default filter applied to the ticket lists i.e. 'All Tickets', 'Open Tickets (Including SLA Hold)', etc... |
Default Column Profile | Single Select | Choosing the column profile, will dictate the columns which will be shown for each ticket on the list. This can be overridden by configuration on Ticket Areas |
Default View for Ticket History | Single Select | When clicking into a ticket, you can by default see the actions of the customer, and the agents (Private notes, public notes, etc). Setting this to all actions will mean you can see automated actions, ticket rule changes etc... |
Default Action display for Ticket History | Single Select | Setting this to only show the most recent action, will mean that all other actions will need to be clicked into in order for the content of them to display. By default this is set to show the content on all actions. |
Default View for Feed | Single Select | In the top right of the screen, there is a wifi looking symbol, which is the Feed side pane. The activities displayed in there for the agent are set from this option. There is also a dropdown that can be changed once clicking into the side pane. |
Preferences (Assets)
Field | Type | Description |
Default View | Single Select | When clicking into the assets area, this will be the default view shown for the agent. Options Include 'Assets By Group' , 'My lists' , etc... |
Default Column Profile | Single Select | Set which columns are shown per asset on the list. Column profiles for assets are configurable in Configuration>Asset Management>General Settings > *Click into the 'Configure Column Profiles' Button* |
Preferences (Customers)
Field | Type | Description |
Default List - Customers | Single Select | When clicking into the customers area, this will be the default shown, can be set to sites, users, customers, accounts manage. You could configure a list from the customers area and set it so that the filter is for important customers, 'important customer' checkbox is set on the details tab of a customer. |
Default Column Profile - Customers | Single Select | The option set here will be for the columns displayed per customer on the list. |
Default Column Profile - Site | Single Select | The option set here will be for the columns displayed per site on the list. |
Default Column Profile - User | Single Select | The option set here will be for the columns displayed per user on the list. |
Preferences (Opportunities)
Field | Type | Description |
Default View | Single Select | When clicking into the opportunities area, this will be the default view shown for the agent. Options Include 'Tickets By Team' , 'My lists' , etc... |
Default Filter Profile | Single Select | This will be the default filter applied to the ticket lists i.e. 'All Opportunities', 'Open Opportunities', etc... |
Default Column Profile | Single Select | This setting is for choosing the column profile, will dictate the columns which will be shown for each row on the list. Set in Configuration>Sales>Views>Column Profiles |
Preferences (Contracts and Supplier Contracts)
Field | Type | Description |
Default Column Profile - Contracts | Single Select | This setting is for choosing the column profile, which will dictate the columns shown for each row on the list. Set in Configuration>Contracts |
Default Column Profile - Supplier Contracts | Single Select | This setting is for choosing the column profile, which will dictate the columns shown for each row on the list. Set in Configuration>Supplier Contracts |
Preferences (Notifications)
Field | Type | Description |
Notifications | Table | Dcide which notifications this agent can access. Checkout this guide for more information on notifications: Guide on Notifications |
Personal Notifications | Table | These are custom Notifications for this Agent only. When clicking 'Add' you can create new notifications for this agent. |
Do not send New Ticket or Ticket Closed notifications for Tickets opened or closed by me | Checkbox | When checked on, any notifications the agent has inherited relating to opened or closed ticket notifications, will not trigger for them if they are the one triggering the open or closed notification. |
Notify when other Agents update Tickets assigned to me | Checkbox | When checked, A notification is sent if another agent puts an update on the ticket you are assigned to ('You' as in the agent which this checkbox is on for). These will appear in the notification side pane. |
Send notifications for errors with Incoming/Outgoing Email and Halo Integrator | Checkbox | When checked, the agent will receive notifications for errors with Incoming/Outgoing Email and Halo Integrator. These will appear in the notification side pane. |
Send notification when the Halo Integrator has not run for X amount of hours | Checkbox | When checked, you can set the number of hours you want to wait before the notification is sent to say that the halo integrator has not ran. These will appear in the notification side pane. |
Hours | Integer | Set the number of hours to wait until sending a notification to say the Halo integrator hasn't run, the timer starts after the error occurs. |
Send notification email when my Timesheet is incomplete | Checkbox | (v2.176.1) Shows when incomplete timesheet notifications is enabled in Time Management. When enabled, the agent will get email and in-app notifications when their timesheet is below the "Incomplete Timesheet Threshold (%)" set. |
Send notification email when Agents I manage have incomplete Timesheets | Checkbox | (v2.176.1) Shows when incomplete timesheet notifications is enabled in Time Management. When enabled, the agent will get email and in-app notifications when timesheets of those they manage are below the "Incomplete Timesheet Threshold (%)" set. |
Incomplete Timesheet Threshold (%) | Integer | (v2.176.1) Shows when incomplete timesheet notifications is enabled in Time Management. Sets the percentage threshold for when timesheet notifications enabled above are sent. |
Time to send incomplete Timesheet notification(s) | Time | (v2.176.1) Shows when incomplete timesheet notifications is enabled in Time Management. Sets the time that timesheet notifications are sent our each day if considered incomplete by the percentage set. |
Preferences (Calendars and Appointments)
Field | Type | Description |
Default View on the Calendar screen | Single Select | This dictates the default time frame shown when clicking into the calendar area, options are Day, Month, etc... |
Create Appointments from Calendar Integrations | Single Select | This setting is for deciding whether or not to sync this agents appointments to Halo, from calendar integrations such as the microsoft exchange calendar. Options are 'always' or 'never' |
Exclude Agent from Resource Booking calendar | Single Select | When checked, this agent will be excluded from agent resource booking: Guide |
Calendar Options | Multi Select | Here you can set which calendar entry types show on this agents calendar by default. |
Preferences (Templates and Canned Text)
Field | Type | Description |
Personal Templates | Table | These templates are the agents own Templates. Only the agent can use them. When 'Add' is clicked you will be prompted to create a new template. Templates are very useful for tickets, projects, sales, sales orders, etc... |
Personal Canned Texts | Table | These canned texts are the agents own canned texts. Only the agent can use them. When 'Add' is clicked you will be prompted to create a new text. canned texts are very useful for tickets as you can click into the canned text section on i..e an email user action and use it as a sort of template or quick reply to the customer. |
Preferences (Screen Layouts)
Field | Type | Description |
Customer Details screen layout | Single Select | The option set here will be for the tabs shown and the ordering of them on the clients. To configure these, refer to the Guide: Ticket/ Client Areas |
Navigation menu layout | Single Select | The option set here will be for the tabs shown and the ordering of them on the navigation menu sidebar on the left of the screen. To configure these, refer to the Guide: Ticket/ Client Areas |
Preferences (Approval Processes)
Field | Type | Description |
Approval delegation activated | Checkbox | When checked, Agents can delegate their approvals to users NB: A user must be linked to the agent in order for this to work |
Only delegate during a time period | Checkbox | When checked, you can set a start and end date and time for this delegation. If left off, then delegation will not have a set time frame. |
Start time | Date and Time | Only delegate during a time period must be turned on for this setting to show. Start time for when delegation is allowed |
End time | Date and Time | Only delegate during a time period must be turned on for this setting to show. End time for delegation. |
Delegate to | Single Select | The delegated user NB: A user must be linked to the agent in order for this to work |
Departments & Teams
Field | Type | Description |
Teams | Table | Lists the teams & membership level that the agent is a member of, as well as which role it has been inherited from. |
Departments | Table | Lists the departments & membership level the agent is a member of, as well as which role it has been inherited from. |
Asset Field Restrictions | Table | Lists the available asset fields & access level that the agent can access, as well as which role it has been inherited from. |
Customer Custom Field Restrictions | Table | Lists the available customer custom field & access level that the agent can access, as well as which role it has been inherited from. |
User Custom Field Restrictions | Table | Lists the available user custom fields & access level that the agent can access, as well as which role it has been inherited from. |
Appointment Type Restrictions | Table | Lists the available appointment types & access level that the agent can access, as well as which role it has been inherited from. |
Charge Rate Restrictons | Table | Lists the available charge rates & access level that the agent can access, as well as which role it has been inherited from. |
Custom Button Restrictions | Table | Lists the custom buttons that the agent can access, as well as which role it has been inherited from. Buttons not included in the list will be globally available. |
Field | Type | Description |
Qualification | Multiple Select | Choose the qualification you would like to add from the list of qualifications available. For a guide on qualification matching, check out the last section of this Guide: Ticket Distribution |
Date | Date | The date the Agent received this Qualification. |
Expiry Date | Date | The date the Agent's Qualification will expire. |
Permissions (If the permission set is higher than that of the role, it will override the role's permission if set)
Field | Type | Description |
Is a Halo Service Desk Administrator | Single Select | When set to Yes, this permission will behave in two different ways. Should the setting in Advanced Settings be enabled for Administrators to have every permission at highest level, then this will grant such power. Should that not be enabled, then this permission will still grant access to the configuration page, but access can be further restricted, lets say, per module. |
Editing of own Preferences | Single Select | Provides the choice to whether the Agent can edit their own preferences, these include default views, appearances, etc. |
Editing of own Notifications | Single Select | Provides the choice to whether the Agent can choose as to which notifications they are subscribed to. |
Tickets Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Tickets, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Customers Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Customers, this can be set to either none, read names only, read-only, or read and modify. |
Users Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Users, this can be set to either none, read names only, read-only, or read and modify. |
CRM Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding CRM, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Assets Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Customers, this can be set to either none, read-only, read and modify, or read, modify and delete. |
Calendars and Appointments Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Calendars and Appointments, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Knowledge Base Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding the Knowledge Base, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Suppliers Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Suppliers, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Products Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Products, this can be set to either none, read-only, read and update stock, or read and modify. |
Sales Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Sales, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Quotations Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Quotations, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Sales Orders Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Sales Orders, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Purchase Orders Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Purchase Orders, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Billing Details Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Billing Details, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Invoices Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding CRM, this can be set to either none, read-only, read and create, ready, create and modify, or read, create, modify and delete. |
Reporting Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Reporting, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Customer Contracts Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Customer Contracts / Agreements, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Supplier Contracts Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Supplier Contracts, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Service Catalogue Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Services, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Software Releases Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Software Releases, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Timesheets Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Timesheets, this can be set to either none, read and modify (own), read and modify (managed) (this relates to a manager being able to change their staff's timesheets), read only, or read and modify (all). |
Software Licencing Access Level | Single Select | The level of permissions that the Agent has regarding Software Licencing, this can be set to either none, read-only, or read and modify. |
Distribution Lists Access Level | Single Select | None (No access to the area), Read and Send (Has access to the area and can send mass emails via a distribution list), Read and Modify (has the same as read and send, but can also create and modify distribution lists). |
Documents Access Level | Single Select | No Access (No access to the area), Read (Has access to the area and can download/ read documents that are present), Read and Modify (has the same as read, but can also create and modify documents). |
Mail Campaign Access Level | Single Select | As of v2.154 the mail campaign area is only configurable for the mail chimp integration, make sure the integration is enabled and also distribution lists within the user configuration area (If using the mail chimp integration). No access, read only or read and modify can be set. |
Can add new Tickets | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create new tickets themselves. |
Can edit closed Tickets | Single Select | Allows the Agent to edit tickets that are already closed. |
Can view Unassigned Tickets | Single Select | Allows the Agent to view tickets that are in the Unassigned queue. |
Can view tickets that are assigned to other Agents | Single Select | Allows the Agent to see tickets that do not belong to them. This setting is not necessary to have on if you are using the additional agents functionality. Guide: Additional Agents |
Can change a Ticket's Ticket Type | Single Select | Allows the Agent to be able to change a Ticket's Type. |
Can Re-assign Tickets | Single Select | Allows the Agent to be able to assign ticket to other Agents |
Can Edit Advanced Ticket Details | Single Select | Allows the Agent to edit details such as Ticket Type, Workflow, SLA, and modifying to-do lists on the Ticket Details section, without requiring an action. |
Editing of Actions | Single Select | Allows the Agent to use the Edit Action functionality, which allows the changing of details, notes, and times, among others. |
Can manually adjust billing time allocation per action | Single Select | The agent must have "Editing of Actions" set to "Can edit all actions". The options are Managed Only, Managed and Their Managed, All, or No. Managed refers to the other agents in Halo that this agent manages (The agents manager can be set from within the details tab of the agent). Managed and Their Managed is all agents that the agent manages and all managers of agents further down i.e. 3rd line manager is the manager of the second line manager, therefore can edit all billing time on actions for the 2nd line team and manager. Guide: Configure which Agents can Adjust the billing time and recalculation of billing on tickets |
Can recalculate billing against Tickets | Single Select | The agent must have "Editing of Actions" set to "Can edit all actions". The options here are Yes or No, if this is set to No, the agent will not be able to recalculate billing for actions or tickets in Halo. Guide: Configure which Agents can Adjust the billing time and recalculation of billing on tickets |
Can Delete Tickets | Single Select | Allows the Agent to delete tickets via the 'three-dots' menu at the top right, or from the list view with the 'edit' button at the top left. Deletion behaviour can be configured in Advanced Settings. |
Can assign to Agents in Teams the Agent is not a member of | Single Select | Allows the Agent to assign tickets to Agents that do not belong to their own Team(s). |
Can Edit Tickets Which Are Not Assigned To Them | Single Select | Allows the Agent to edit tickets other than their own. |
Can override maximum priority escalation at ticket type level | Single Select | Allows the Agent to escalate the ticket further than the default limit set per ticket type. |
Can Override Ticket Review Processing | Single Select | Allows the Agent to bypass the Ticket Review process. Billable actions will still be reviewed, but automatically if the agent doing the action on the ticket has this setting enabled, admins will hace this on by default. |
Can use the Treat as Spam button and edit action visibility for users | Single Select | Allows the Agent to mark tickets as spam, and to change the visibility of actions to End-Users after they've been posted. |
Can export tickets | Single Select | Allows the Agent to use the 'Export to CSV' button on ticket views to export multiple tickets along with the details in the selected column profile as a CSV file for external use. |
Can always update Ticket Statuses and re-assign Tickets outside of actions. | Single Select | Allows the Agent to directly change Ticket Statuses and the assigned Agent without having to perform an action to do so. |
Re-assigning outside of an Action | Single Select | This setting will be visible if the same setting option within Config>Tickets>General is set to "Use Agent level permission" this option becomes available, the configurable selections are: Never, Always, and Allowed when not on a Workflow (Theis refers to when the ticket has no workflow set i.e. setting the workflow to "Not Set" on the ticket). |
Can remove To-Do items | Single Select | Options are yes or no, and the default is "Not set". When set to yes, agents can remove to-do list items on the to-do lists attached to tickets. |
Allow use of all Asset Types | Single Select / Table | When disabled, this presents a table where a whitelist can be created of Asset Types that the Agent can use. |
Allow use of all Ticket Types | Single Select / Table | When disabled, this presents a table where a whitelist can be created of ticket types that the Agent can use. |
Allow use of all Asset Fields | Single Select / Table | When disabled, this presents a table where a whitelist can be created of Asset Fields that the Agent can use. |
Customer Custom Field Restrictions | Table | A list of Customer Custom Fields that the Agent is not allowed to use. Name, Access Level, and Permissions are detailed. |
User Custom Field Restrictions | Table | A list of User Custom Fields that the Agent is not allowed to use. Name, Access Level, Permissions and where these were inherited from are detailed. |
Appointment Type Restrictions | Table | A list of Appointment Types that the the Agent is not allowed to use. Name and Access Level are detailed. |
Charge Rate Restrictions | Table | A list of Charge Rates that the Agent is not allowed to use. Only the name is detailed. |
Custom Button Restrictions | Table | Lists the custom buttons agents with this role have access to. Buttons not included in the list will be globally available |
Editing of Appointments | Single Select | Dictates which appointments the Agent can modify. Can be set to none, their own, or all. |
Adding New Appointments | Single Select | Dictates who the Agent can create appointments for. Can be set to none, their own, or all. |
Visibility of Appointments | Single Select | Dictates who's appointments the Agent can see, whether that be their own, their teams, their departments, or all. |
Deleting of Appointments | Single Select | Dictates who's apppintments the Agent can delete. Can be set to none, their own or all. |
My Approvals Page Access | Single Select | Allows the Agent to see and access the My Approvals Page, where they can partake in approvals they are associated with. |
Can Override Approval Results | Single Select | Allows the Agent to change the result of an Approval Process once it has already been decided. |
Can View Item Costs | Single Select | Allows the Agent to view the costs of individual items. |
Can View Item Prices | Single Select | Allows the Agent to view the prices of individual items. |
Can View Product SKU | Single Select | You can view Item SKU field on items, sales orders and quotes, when this is set to No, no SKU can be viewed. Read only will allow it to be seen and read and modify means the agent can change the Product SKU. |
Can View Agent Costs | Single Select | Allows the Agent to view the details surrounding labour info. This includes Default Charge Rate and Lunch Break Duration. |
Allow creation of new Ticket Types and linked objects | Single Select | Allows the Agent access to the Config in order to modify various Ticket related settings, such as Workflows, Actions, and Approval Processes. Refined access to certain entities can be set with Access Control. |
Allow creation of new Scheduled Tickets | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create Scheduled Tickets to be created in the future according to preset conditions. |
Allow creation and update of new global templates | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create Global Templates, for tickets etc. which can be used by all other Agents throughout the system. With 'create and update' the agent will be able to see and edit all templates. With 'create' it will let agents create new ones and see templates they have access control configured for. |
Can Create Canned Text | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create their own Canned Text presets, which will be available to all Agents too. |
Can Create Dashboards | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create Dashboards using information from Reports in the reporting suite, alongside creating them via external sources. |
Can Create SQL Data Sources | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create custom SQL Data Sources to then be used in report-building to simplify the process for Agents less advanced in SQL. |
Can Create Custom Fields | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create custom fields, these will be available for all entities that the agent has access to. |
Can Create Field Groups | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create Field Groups which can be used to group fields into to apply these all at once with the set configuration to save time when creating / editing ticket types, actions, etc. |
Can Create Message Groups | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create new Message Groups which can be used to dictate which templates are available for which customers. |
Can Create Ticket Rules | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create new Ticket Rules which can be used to automatically process tickets when they match a certain criteria. |
Can Create Roles | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create Roles, which contain combinations of permissions to then be applied to Agents or Teams and save time. |
Can Create SLAs | Single Select | Allows the Agent to create SLAs, which can be used to track and hold to certain industry standards and maintain customer satisfaction. |
Can Create Assets | Single Select | This will not show in PSA instances, the option to create assets, create assets and asset types(Asset types are created from within configuration > asset management > asset types) or groups, types, and assets (groups are also found in configuration). |
Can Create Languages | Single Select | Allows the Agent to edit / add options to the Language Pack section of the configuration. This can be used to re-phrase certain menu buttons, or to translate the entire UI to a different language. |
Can Create Chat Profiles | Single Select | Chat profiles are created within configuration > Chat, if agents have been given this permission they will have access to the chat profiles area of the chat configuration. |
Can Create FAQ Lists | Single Select | The FAQ lists are how articles are categorised, the lists are made in Configuration > Knowledge Base. When this setting is enabled, agents will be able to create FAQ lists and then edit the FAQ lists they have created (they can't edit any created by other agents this is an admin permission), but will not have access to the other knowledge base configuration options. |
Can Create Lookups | Single Select | When set to yes this agent will be able to see the 'Lookups' module in 'My Config', here they will be able to create database lookups. Whether they can edit existing lookups will be determines by the access control on each lookup. |
Password Fields | Single Select | Enables the 'Eye' button next to password fields for the Agent so that they can encrypt/decrypt passwords against assets, for example. |
Can change whether Suppliers / Customers / Sites / Users are active or inactive | Single Select | Allows the Agent to change these entities'' active status, which will remove / add them to lists all over the system, including billing processes. |
Can Publish Reports | Single Select | Allows the Agent to 'Publish' reports via the reporting suite. Publishing a report makes the report and all of it's data visible to anyone with access to the publication. This can be restricted to either not at all, End-Users only, or anyone. |
Can set Web Announcements | Single Select | (v2.178.1) Allows the agent to use the "Set Web Announcement" system action to set a web announcement globally on the Self-Service Portal. |
Site Restrictions
If 'Asset Permission Type' (set in Configuration > Asset Management > General Settings) is set to one of the options referring to 'Use access control' then there will be site restrictions that can be configured on the permissions tab of roles and agents. These restrictions do not allow access to the Sites, but can be used to imply access to the following entities to sites: Assets. For entities that use access control, access can be granted using either the access control or linked Sites. If both are used, the highest level of access will be used.
Field | Type | Description |
Name | Multi Select | The name of the site that is |
Access Level | Single Select | The level of access implied to give for things such as assets, for this site. |
Inherited from Role | Multi Select | If this access level was inherited from a role, the role inherited from will be displayed here. |
Client Restrictions
Field | Type | Description |
Customer Group Override | Single Select | This is used for Co-Managed IT situations, where an agent may belong to a lower level company, and shouldn't be able to view the parent company's prices, costs, etc., so can be limited to their own company's details. That company would be what is chosen here. |
Allow use of all Customers | Single Select / Table | When disabled, this presents a table where a whitelist can be created of Customers that the Agent can use. |
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