HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
If certain Actions are not appearing on your Tickets as you expect, check the following things to make sure that the configuration of the action has been set up correctly:
- If there is a workflow set, does the action appear in the current step of the workflow
- Does the ticket type allow for this action 'Allowed Values' Tab
- What is set for the 'Action Configuration Access Type' setting on this action
Field | Type | Description |
Outcome Description | Free Text | Once the Action has been performed, this is what will be presented in the Action list within a Ticket. |
Sequence in lists | Integer | Determines where this Action button is presented in the list of Action buttons. As buttons are ordered left to right, a lower sequence number yields Action buttons appearing more to the left. |
Button Name | Free Text | Determines the Action button name. |
Button Icon | Single Select | Determines the Action button icon. |
Action Colour | Hex Code | The colour chosen here will be the colour associated with the Action button atop the Ticket screen. |
Action button is visible | Checkbox | When unchecked, the Action will not be available for Agents to use - effectively rendering the Action 'inactive' without deleting associated config. |
Action is visible outside of Workflows | Checkbox | When unchecked, the Action must be present within a Workflow (& the Workflow applied to the Ticket) in order for the Action to be visible on said Ticket. |
Action Configuration Access Type | Single Select | Two options can be chosen, Generic Action: Can be added to any workflow, but configuration access for this action will not be inherited from the workflow. The other option is a Workflow-Specific Action: Can only be added to a workflow by Agents that can access this action, but configuration access for this action will be inherited from the workflow. |
System Use | Single Select | The selection made here will determine the action settings which are displayed. Guide coming soon. |
Choose to use a specific Ticket Type or Template for the new Ticket. | Single Select | Available when a Ticket use i.e. "Create Opportunity" is selected from the system use dropdown This allows the choice of how the new ticket is structured; it can either inherit the original ticket's, or it can be chosen from any ticket types or templates that have been set up previously. |
Ticket Type / Template | Single Select | Available when a Ticket use i.e. "Create Opportunity" is selected from the system use dropdown Depending on the above selection, this will list available Ticket Types or Templates with which to structure the new ticket. |
Default User of Parent Ticket | Single Select | Available when "Create Parent Ticket" is selected from the system use dropdown The selection made here will determine a default User to be set on the Parent ticket this can be any User, or just the same User as the original Ticket's. |
Default summary on new Ticket is summary of source Ticket | Checkbox | Available when a Ticket use i.e. "Create Opportunity" is selected from the system use dropdown When checked, the Summary of the new ticket will be inherited from the original. |
Default details on new Ticket is details of source Ticket | Checkbox | Available when a Ticket use i.e. "Create Opportunity" is selected from the system use dropdown When checked, the Details of the new ticket will be inherited from the original. |
Set note equal to the details of the new Ticket | Checkbox | Available when a Ticket use i.e. "Create Opportunity" is selected from the system use dropdown When checked, the ticket details added to the note sent to the new ticket, will be the same note given to the i.e. "Create Opportunity" action on the original ticket. |
Default User of Parent Ticket | Single Select | Available when "Create Parent Ticket" is selected from the system use dropdown The selection made here will determine a default User to be set on the Parent ticket, should the System Use of "Create Parent Ticket" be selected. This can be any User, or just the same User as the original Ticket's. |
Allow Users to use this action | Checkbox | When checked, this Action will be available for end-users to perform on a Ticket via the Self-Service Portal (more details in release notes for V2.96.1). |
Allow Users to add attachments | Checkbox | When checked, this will allow Users to attach files along with the Action. |
Is a Quick Action | Checkbox | The quick action setting, when selected, will mean actions are automatically performed when clicked, there is no input boxes, it will automatically do the action. When this checkbox is selected, the 'Action Preview Screen' is bypassed & only the Action's defaults are applied. NB: The Action Preview Screen is where you add notes to a Ticket from an Action etc. The list of available config options on an action are limited when the quick action is selected, so many will disappear. |
Status After Action | Single Select | Determines the Ticket's status after the Action has been performed |
Show the "Send Email" option | Checkbox | When checked, you will find an evelope icon in the top RHS of the Action preview screen which can be toggled to enable/disable the sending of an email. |
Show the "Send SMS" option | Checkbox | When checked, this will allow the Action to send an SMS to a designated number which can be set upon actioning. |
Show the 'Send a WhatsApp Message' toggle | Checkbox | When checked, this will allow the Action to send a WhatsApp message to a designated WhatsApp user / number upon actioning. |
Show the "Hide from User" option | Checkbox | When checked, a 'crossed out eye' icon will appear on the Action preview screen (next to the 'dismiss' button). Clicking the icon will allow the toggling of end-user visibility of this Action when an end-user views the Action via the Self-Service Portal. |
Show the "SLA Hold/Release" option | Checkbox | When checked, a 'pause' icon will appear on the Action preview screen (next to the 'dismiss' button). Clicking the icon will allow you to determine whether or not the pause the SLA timer once completing this Action. |
SLA Hold Auto-Release date must be set | Checkbox | When checked, this will force an SLA Hold Auto-Release date to be entered, before submitting this Action should this action be placing the Ticket on SLA Hold. |
Show the "Close Ticket" option | Checkbox | When checked, a 'tick' icon will appear on the Action preview screen (next to the 'dismiss' button). Clicking this icon will toggle whether or not you are closing the Ticket upon completing this Action. |
Show the "Mark as Important" option | Checkbox | When checked, a 'star' icon will appear on the Action preview screen (next to the 'dismiss' button). Clicking this icon will allow you to mark this Action as important. |
Show the "Follow this Ticket" option | Checkbox | When checked, an 'eye' icon will appear on the Action preview screen (next to the 'dismiss' button). Clicking this icon will allow you to mark yourself as a follower of the Ticket upon completing the Action. |
Show the "Send Survey" option | Checkbox | When checked, this will allow the option to send a Survey along with the Action to the User. |
Update Dynamic Email List | Checkbox | When checked, this will cause any Emails added to the TO, CC, or BCC lists to be added to the email recipient list. |
Show Email Fields | Checkbox | When checked, if you are sending an email from an Action, relevant email fields will be displayed in the Action preview screen (To/CC, email subject etc..) |
Default Email To and Cc address editing | Single Select | Sets whether agents can edit the email address used for an action, and if so, whether they have to be known or can be any. |
Default Email To and Cc address behaviour | Single Select | This selection dictates how the To and Cc email addresses will populate by default when this Action is used. |
Response Behaviour | Single Select | The selection made here will decide whether this Action is regarded as a response to the Ticket. Should it be enabled, the Action will set the Ticket's SLA Response time. |
Start a new Workflow | Single Select | If one of your Workflows are selected in this field, then upon completing the Action the Ticket's Workflow will be updated to whatever has been selected here. |
Step to start workflow on | Single Select | If the action is configured to start a new workflow (set above) you can select which step the workflow will start on. This overrides the starting workflow step. |
Start an Approval Process | Single Select | If one of your Approval Processes are selected here, then upon completing this Action the selected Approval Process will be triggered. |
Add a To-Do list from a Template | Single Select | If one of your To-Do lists is selected here, then that To-Do list will be added to the Ticket upon completing the Action. |
Call Script to automatically run on the Call screen | Single Select | The Call Script selected here will be the script used should a call be started with this Action. |
Time entry units | Single Select | Determines whether to log time in hours or days - also provides the option to inherit this option from the Ticket Type. |
Visibility on Parent Tickets | Single Select | Choose to show or not show this action on the parent tickets of the current ticket |
Visibility on Child Tickets | Single Select | Choose to show or not show this action on the child tickets of the current ticket |
Skip closue procedures | Checkbox | When checked, any End-User Closure Confirmation procedures set up in Tickets General Settings will be skipped, and the ticket will be marked as closed right away. |
Default Asset search text | Free Text | The text entered here will be used as a default search when looking for Assets from this action. This is if you are adding an asset via the action, which can be configured for this action by adding the asset field to the field list of the action. Then when you click on the add asset and search for assets when using this action, the default text in the search bar will be what is populated in this free text box. This can be overriden by editing the search bar when adding assets from this action. |
Reset the response target | Checkbox | When checked, this action will reset the Response Target, meaning that the response SLA on that ticket will act as if the ticket has been freshly logged, and set to a point further in the future, corresponding to the assigned SLA's settings. |
Attachments added by agents are visible by default | Checkbox | When checked, any attachments added to Tickets via this Action will be marked as Visible To End-Users by default. This can then be reverted on the Attachments tab once the Action has been submitted. |
Enable auto release prompts | Checkbox | When checked, the SLA Auto Release prompts will be visible when actioning. These will ask whether you would like to set an SLA Auto Release should the Action be placing the Ticket on SLA Hold. |
Minimum number of attachments that must be attached to submit Action | Integer | Should any number other than 0 be put here, the Action will not be able to be sent unless that amount of Attachments is met. This is often used on Actions that are aligned with submitting forms, etc.. |
Allow this action to be used even when Ticket/Project is locked | Checkbox | When checked, even if the Ticket or Project being actioned on is locked, you will still be able to use this Action. |
Submit button label override | Free Text | The text here will be used instead of "Submit" for the button to complete the Action. |
New action screen display mode | Single Select | This can be left as the default, or you can instead set it to modal, if set to modal, when the action is clicked from the ticket screen, a modal window will take over the screen instead of the action just appearing at the top of the ticket details list. |
Do not allow this action to be used when there are open appointments in the past | Checkbox | As this setting explains, if an appointment has not been completed and the date set for it is in the past, then the action will not be shown in the tickets list of actions. |
Hide the User visibility toggle | Checkbox | When checked, agents will not be able to toggle the end user visibility of this action within the ticket. |
Modal window width | Single Select | decide how much width of the screen the modal window takes up, options are: small, medium, large. |
Attach Ticket PDF Report | Single Select | The choice made here will determine if a Ticket PDF report is attached to the Action, and if so, which template will be used. |
Run Report | Single Select | Should a report be chosen from this list, it will be executed at the time of intially logging the Action. |
Attach Report PDF | Checkbox | When checked, if the above report is ran, it will then be attached to the Action in this format. (Multiple formats can be chosen) |
Attach Report XLS | Checkbox | When checked, if the above report is ran, it will then be attached to the Action in this format. (Multiple formats can be chosen) |
Attach Report CSV | Checkbox | When checked, if the above report is ran, it will then be attached to the Action in this format. (Multiple formats can be chosen) |
Attach Report JSON | Checkbox | When checked, if the above report is ran, it will then be attached to the Action in this format. (Multiple formats can be chosen) |
OpenAI: Operation | Single Select | Generate User Response: Use the System Message to set the behaviour of the AI. The conversation with the user will be sent and the AI will generate a response. If triggered by a Agent application, the Agent can modify the response before saving the action. Improve Agent Note: Send some instructions to the OpenAI API and the action note will be changed to the response before the email preview is shown or action is saved. $-variables can be used here. e.g Spelling and grammar corrections for a note which an Agent writes. |
Azure OpenAI Deployment | leave as gpt-3.5-turbo Checkout the ChatGPT Integration | |
System Message | Memo | This is a large text box where you can give chat gpt a prompt for how you want to respond to people on this action. Example: You are a friendly chat bot that replies to HTML emails in HTML. |
Preview the OpenAI/ChatGPT response before saving the action | Checkbox | Check to make sure the response is correct before sending it to a customer. When this setting is on, their will be a symbol in the rich text options, which you can click to preview the chatgpt repsonse. You can also set the default preview of actions in Configuration > Email, check out this guide for more details: Azure OpenAI/ ChatGPT Integration |
Improve Agent Note is on by default | Checkbox | When selected, the agent will see the chatgpt/ azure openai alteration on the email preview screen, this option is good if you want the OpenAI response to pull through after the save button is clicked on the action. You can also set the default preview of actions in Configuration > Email, check out this guide for more details: Azure OpenAI/ ChatGPT Integration |
Field | Type | Description |
Default communication method | Single Select | The selection made here will determine the default communication method that is selected when first selecting this Action. There are choices to use the same option as the last communication with that User, to use the Action's configuration set up below, or to default to any present methods. |
Send an Email | Single Select | Determines whether or not an email will be sent from this Action by default. NB: enabling the 'Show send email' option (described above) will allow you to enable/disable per action, with the defaulted option based on this field |
Send an SMS | Single Select | Determines whether or not an SMS will be sent from this Action by default. NB: enabling the 'Show send SMS' option (described above) will allow you to enable/disable per action, with the defaulted option based on this field |
Send Satisfaction Survey | Single Select | A Satisfaction Survey $ variable must be present in the email template for a Survey to be sent. This is $-SATISFACTIONWEBLINKTEXT Alternatively, you can checkbox on the setting in surveys "Send the survey whenever the variable is used in a template" which will override the Send Survey toggle at action level, all that is required is to put the dollar variable $-SATISFACTIONWEBLINKTEXT onto the email template. Checkout these academy guides on satisfaction surveys: |
Hide from User | Checkbox | Determines whether or not this Action is visible to end-users when viewing Tickets via the Self-Service Portal. NB: end-user visibility of Actions can be toggled based on the option described above: 'Show the hide from User option'. The default for whether or not the Action is visible is based on this option. |
Hide Action from Conversation & Internal | Checkbox | There are several different views for a ticket's History (what you see on the Progress tab for a Ticket). One of these options includes 'Conversation & Internal'. Checking this box will not return the Action in the 'Conversation & Internal' views - primarily used for Actions which do not need to be visible at a glance. |
Put on SLA Hold (if applicable) | Checkbox | When checked, performing this Action will pause the SLA timer. NB: This will be overridden by the SLA Hold Behaviour of a Ticket's Status, if applicable. |
Release from SLA Hold (if applicable) | Checkbox | When checked, performing this Action will resume the SLA timer. NB: This will be overridden by the SLA Hold Behaviour of a Ticket's Status, if applicable. |
Mark as Important | Checkbox | When checked, this Action will be flagged as Important. NB: Important Actions can be pinned to the top of the Ticket history via enabling 'Pin Important Actions to top of Ticket history' in Configuration>Tickets>General |
Make Agent a Follower of the Ticket | Checkbox | When checked, this Action will add the Agent as a Follower to this Ticket. This will cause them to recieve email updates on each public action made on this Ticket. |
Add all subscribed Users of the primary service on the ticket as followers | Checkbox | When checked, should a Primary Service be set agaist the Ticket, then any Users subscribed to that Service will be added as Followers to this Ticket when this action is submitted. |
Hide from all agents with a client group override set | Checkbox | When checked, should an Agent be co-managed and have a client group override set against them, they will not be able see this action on the progress tab. |
Email Template | Single Select | If sending an email from this Action, this is the email template that will be applied. 'Ticket Update' is the default template. |
Default Ticket Type | Single Select | If a Ticket Type is selected here, then the Ticket will change to this type upon completing the Action. |
Default Team | Single Select | If a Team is selected here, the Ticket will be re-assigned to that Team upon completing the Action. |
Default Agent | Single Select | If an Agent is selected here, the Ticket will be re-assigned to that Agent upon completing the Action. |
Set Team to the Agents Default | Checkbox | When checked the ticket will be assigned to the default team of the assigned agent upon completing the Action. This setting is only available when 'Default Agent' is set to *Agent Logging/Doing*. |
Default Category | Single Select | The Category value chosen here will be set as a default when submitting this Action, even if the field is not visible on the Action itself. (This if often renamed) |
Default Resolution Code | Single Select | |
Default Category 3 | Single Select | The Category 3 value chosen here will be set as a default when submitting this Action, even if the field is not visible on the Action itself. (This if often renamed) |
Default Category 4 | Single Select | The Category 4 value chosen here will be set as a default when submitting this Action, even if the field is not visible on the Action itself. (This if often renamed) |
Charge Type | Single Select | Determines the default Charge Type to use for time added to this Action. |
Charge Type will override Ticket default | Checkbox | When enabled, the charge type on the action, will override the charge type set on the ticket type. |
Priority (0 = No Change) | Integer | This will be the Priority applied to the Ticket when this action is submitted, even if a Priority isn't selected on the Action itself. Leaving this as 0 will not affect the Priority. |
Default Hours | Time (hh:mm) | The time entered here will be the default Time Taken set on the Action. This can be overriden when actioning. |
Default Non-Billable Hours | Time (hh:mm) | The time entered here will be the default Non-Billable set on the Action. This can be overriden when actioning. |
Default Note | Rich Text | The content placed here will be saved as a Default Note on this Action. This can be overriden when actioning, but is usually utilised as a framework for entering important information. |
Default Private Note | Rich Text | The content placed here will be saved as a Default Private Note on this Action. This can be overriden when actioning, but is usually utilised as a framework for entering important information. |
Start/Use Timer | Checkbox | When checked, this Action will use the Timer functionality. This allows an automatic count of time spent on that action, and will automatically populate the Time Taken field. A small clock icon will appear next to that field, which when clicked, will toggle whether this timer determines the value of the field or not. (If not, a time can be manually entered). |
Default Supplier | Single Select | The choice made here will determine whether or not this Action sets a Supplier against this Ticket. If this is to be, a default Supplier can be chosen here. |
Default Primary Asset Status | Single Select | The choice made here will determine whether or not this Action sets a Primary Asset Status against this Ticket. If this is to be, a default Status can be chosen here. The primary asset of a ticket can be set by right clicking on an asset on the ticket and clicking on 'Make Primary' |
Default Opportunities Closure Category | Single Select | The choice made here will determine whether or not this Action sets an Opportunities Closure Category against this Ticket. If this is to be, a default Category can be chosen here. |
Default Appointment Type | Single Select | The choice made here will determine which Appointment Type this Action sets as default, should an appointment be booked with this Action. |
Exclude From Dynamic Email Lists | Checkbox | When checked, this Action will ignore any email addresses saved via the Dynamic Email Lists functionality. If not, default To and CC recipients can be set below. |
Default "To" from Ticket | Checkbox | When checked, the email "To:" field will be inherited from the Ticket's previous email. |
Default "Cc" from Ticket | Checkbox | When checked, the email "Cc:" field will be inherited from the Ticket's previous email. |
"To" address override | Free Text | Any emails entered in this field (for multiple, seperate these with a comma) will be set as a default for the "To:" field. |
"Cc" address override | Free Text | Any emails entered in this field (for multiple, seperate these with a comma) will be set as a default for the "Cc:" field. |
"Bcc" address override | Free Text | Any emails entered in this field (for multiple, seperate these with a comma) will be set as a default for the "Bcc:" field. |
Cc/Bcc all followers | Single Select | The selection here dictates where, if at all, Followers' email addresses will populate by default on this Action. This can be overriden upon actioning. |
From Address | Single Select | This selection will be used as the default mailbox from which any emails sent from this Action originate. This can be overriden when actioning. The options will be limited to any mailboxes with Outgoing settings configured. |
Include all attachments from a ticket in the email by default | Checkbox | When checked, any attachments on the associated Ticket will be attached by default to emails sent with this Action. These can be removed upon actioning. |
Include User emails in Intellisense | Single Select | When enabled, Halo will predict email addresses as you are populating the email To/CC. When disabled, all email addresses must be manually typed. Intellisense must be enabled in Configuration > Email for it to show at action level. When enabled, Intellisense (auto-fill) will be populated with User email addresses, so that you can quickly input any recipient fields correctly. |
Include Supplier emails in Intellisense | Single Select | When enabled, Halo will predict email addresses as you are populating the email To/CC. When disabled, all email addresses must be manually typed. Intellisense must be enabled in Configuration > Email for it to show at action level. When enabled, Intellisense (auto-fill) will be populated with Supplier email addresses, so that you can quickly input any recipient fields correctly. |
Field List
Any fields associated with Tickets can be added to this list, and will be available in some way or another when logging this Action. Their visibility and requirements are configurable on a per-field basis:
Field | Type | Description |
Agent Action Visibility | Single Select | The selection here will dictate the behaviour of this field when the Action is being made by an Agent via the Agent application. The field will always be visible, however you can choose it's requirements, whether that be to be compulsory through to read-only. |
End-User Action Visibility | Single Select | The selection here will dictate the behaviour of this field when the Action is being made by an User via the Self-Service Portal. You can choose it's visibility and requirements, whether that be to be compulsory through to read-only. |
Dynamic Field Visibility | List | Here, other fields can be added as requirements for this field to appear on this Action. Conditions surround the field in question's value, and include "Not Empty", "Empty", or "Equals". Only one of these requirements needs to be met for the field to be made visible. |
Default Charge Type | FIeld | When you set a "default charge type" by adding it as a field to the field list of a ticket type, and you add the same "default charge type" field to the action. Then when you create the ticket and set the default charge type from the creation screen, any action that has this field on its field list, will inherit the default charge type set at the ticket type level. NB: You can change the charge type, the default is just what populates by default when you trigger the action. |
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