HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Advanced Settings
Field | Type | Description |
Application Colour | Single Select | Determines the default application colour. This will be the colour given to i.e. the navigation bar (which is displayed on the left hand side of Halo) and the configuration modules. Can be overridden per agent via their preferences, if permitted. To change this as an agent you can navigate to the picture icon in the top right hand side of the screen and then go into the preferences tab and click on the "Appearance" dropdown. The page will need to be refreshed to see the new application colour. |
Main Screen Page Size | Integer | Determines the number of records visible on a page i.e. setting to 50 ould mean that 50 tickets, clients, assets, etc... will show per page. (tickets, clients, assets etc..) Can override per agent by going to "Preferences > Usability". When this is changed from advanced settings, it will also update the field on the agent level setting, then you can reset to agent preference via agent setting, which will not change the advanced setting. |
Only show icons for action buttons on mobile | Checkbox | When checked and viewing tickets in a mobile web browser, action buttons will only present the icon and not the action button name. This does not affect the Halo mobile app. |
Always show menu when opening a new tab | Checkbox | When checked, new tabs opened in Halo will always display the navigation menu down the left hand side. If this is not selected, the URL parameterwill often end in "&showmenu=false", you can change "false" to "true" and the navigation menu will appear. An example of when the navigation menu will not show is when opening a ticket in a new tab, this setting will prevent this from happening. |
Navigation menu display (Default) | Single Select | Determines how the module icons are presented on the Left hand side of the Agent application. This includes:
This can be overridden at agent level: Agents > Preferences Tab > Appearance Dropdown Selecting "Default" on agent level will use the option set within advanced settings, when Large icons with labels is selected the name of the area will show below the icon. |
Decimal Separator | Single Select | On figures loaded in Halo (costs, prices etc..), the selected option in this field will establish the decimal separator. can be defined to "." "," or " ' " the default is to use the server settings. For example €1.234,56 (One thousand two hundred thirty-four euros and fifty-six cents). The thousands separator is the "." and the decimal separator is the "," |
Thousands Separator | Single Select | On figures loaded in Halo (costs, prices etc..), the selected option in this field will establish the thousands separator. can be defined to "." "," or " ' " the default is to use the server settings. For example €1.234,56 (One thousand two hundred thirty-four euros and fifty-six cents). The thousands separator is the "." and the decimal separator is the "," |
Display new Ticket button in navigation bar | Checkbox | When checked, a 'New Ticket' button will be available from the top navigation bar, allowing a new Ticket to be logged from any screen in the system. The default Ticket type shown on the new ticket screen (this can be changed on the ticket type field of the new ticket screen) is set via Configuration>Tickets>General Settings>*Default Ticket Type for New Tickets* |
Display new Call button in navigation bar | Checkbox | When checked, this enables the use of a button at the top right of the screen which will open the New Call screen. Allowing a new call to be opened from anywhere in the system. Call scripts and Call Management settings can be configured within Configuration > Call Management. |
Browser tab names | Single Select | Provides the choice between breadcrumb-like tab headers or the default. For example if a "My Approvals" area or advanced settings configuration is opened in a new Tab, the tab on your browser will be labelled "My Approvals" or "Configuration>Advanced Settings" instead of just saying HaloPSA or HaloITSM. Recommended to be on the breadcrumb like option, so your browsers Halo tabs will be easier to read. |
Dark theme note display | Single Select | Allows the choice of how emails and notes are presented on the screen when the dark theme is enabled. Dark theme of Halo can be enabled per agent in the Preferences Tab> Appearance. |
Use 24 hour clock | Checkbox | Provides a choice between a 12 or 24-hour clock, i.e. 1:00pm or 13:00. |
Use relative dates | Checkbox | When selected, action date stamps on tickets will display dates as 'last Tuesday' (The Tuesday that just passed) if you view the ticket on the Wednesday. When not selected, dd/mm/yyyy (date formats) will always be used. |
Time Zone | Single Select | Allows the selection of a regional Time Zone for your Halo instance. |
Show date-pickers in a modal window | Checkbox | Enables a calendar-like window for the population of date fields on Halo. An example would be setting a date for an appointment, the UI will be easier to navigate when selecting dates, as it pops out to the middle of the screen. Recommended to have this option selected. |
Time field input type | Single Select | Allows the choice of how date/time fields are formatted. If the browser default is selected i.e. the Google default is used: The default is to highlight the numbers in the time field when clicked on, then inputting numbers will go from right to left. Recommended to use "dropdown". |
Show timezone input for date fields | Checkbox | Enables a dropdown alongside datetime type fields where a time zone can be selected. Supported fields: Ticket start date and time and end date and time. |
Hide the timezone input for end date | Checkbox | When this setting is enabled, the end date field on actions will not show the timezone input option. The timezone specified for the start date will also be applied to the end date. |
Required Password Strength | Single Select | Provides a choice of three strengths of password requirements. These detail how many, and what type of characters are required in the password, which will determine it's security and strength. Recommended to be using Medium as the bare minimum. |
Allow Halo Service Desk remote support access and Single Sign On bypass option | Checkbox | When selected, staff at Halo will be able to use a 'Support Password' in order to log into your instance (for troubleshooting etc..). When unchecked, only individuals with agent accounts in your instance will be able to log in. Please Note: Disabling this feature will make it more difficult for Halo support to help you |
Remember Me when using a SSO method | Checkbox | When selected & logging into Halo via SSO, a 'Remember Me' option will be available. When unselected, every login via SSO will require you to input a password. |
Force all Agents to use Two-Factor Authentication | Checkbox | IMPORTANT: Enabling this feature without setting up 2FA will lock you out of your account, and you will have to contact Halo support. To use this feature, please first set up 2FA: Setting up Two Factor Authentication When selected, all Agents will be required to authenticate their log in via 2FA. When unselected, only those Agents with 2FA enabled (via Agent details) will require this. Make sure you have setup 2FA, this setting found below: "New Agents must set up an authenticator app upon logging in" is useful to enable when new agents use the system and do not have 2FA setup yet. |
Force all Users to use Two-Factor Authentication | Checkbox | This option forces users to use Two-Factor Authentication when logging into the self-service portal. |
Allow Two-Factor Authentication using email | Checkbox | This enables the use of Two-Factor Authentication via an automatic email containing a code with which to authenticate. |
Allow Two-Factor Authentication using SMS | Checkbox | This enables the use of Two-Factor Authentication via an automatic SMS message being sent to the User or Agent's phone number, containing a code with which to authenticate. |
Allow Two-Factor Authentication using an authenticator app | Checkbox | This enables the use of Two-Factor Authentication via an authenticator app, such as Microsoft's or Google's "Authenticator", these are usually applications on phones. |
Show the "Don't ask again on this browser" option during Two-Factor Authentication | Checkbox | When checked, an option will be available during the 2FA process: "Don't ask again on this Browser". This will bypass the 2FA process on the Browser for one Month. |
New Agents must set up an authenticator app upon logging in | Checkbox | When selected, this forces agents to set up two factor authentication the next time they log into the agent application. |
New Users must set up an authenticator app upon logging in | Checkbox | When selected, this forces users to set up two factor authentication the next time they log into the portal. |
Allow Halo Mobile app access | Checkbox | When selected, your Halo instance will be accessible via the Halo IOS/Android app. |
Enable auditing of password type fields (Recommended) | Checkbox | Enable password auditing to track when password fields are read. When checked, the act of viewing Password Fields (with the eye icon) is recorded and audited in the database. Halo provides the option to create 'password' type fields (Custom Fields, Site Fields, Asset Fields), where the visibility of these fields can be toggled (provided relevant permissions are granted). Checking this box will allow you to audit who views these protected fields & when they did so. Guide for creating/ storing passwordsRecommended to have this setting selected. Report to run for Password Audits |
Allow all client IDs to access all on-premise integrations which use the Halo Integrator | Checkbox | This removes any restrictions placed against clients so that they can access any on-premise integrations that use the Halo Integrator. When this feature is disabled, all on-premise integrations that use the Halo Integrator will have a client ID whitelist which can be configured in the setup for each integration. |
Allow admins to override Agent passwords | Checkbox | This allows Agents marked as Administrators to manually change another Agent's password, this doesn't allow them to view current passwords. |
Show the Forgot Password Link on the Agent application | Checkbox | Disabling the setting simply removes the forgot password link from the agent application login screen. |
Show the Forgot Password Link on the User application | Checkbox | Disabling the setting simply removes the forgot password link from the user application login screen. |
Prevent authentication with Halo credentials if single sign-on is enforced | Checkbox | This stops users / agents appending /?nosso=true to the login URL in order to bypass the SSO screen. |
Bypass Halo 2FA if logging in with Single Sign-On | Checkbox | This option prevents users / agents from having to perform 2FA twice, should they have 2FA enforced on their SSO application too. |
Allow admins to impersonate Agents | Checkbox | Enables a button on an Agent's profile which logs admins in as the selected agent. Found in the list of actions on an agent. |
Allow admins to impersonate Users | Checkbox | Enables a button on an User's profile which logs admins in as the selected User. Found in the list of actions on a user. |
Give admins additional privileges | Checkbox | When selected, the 'Administrator' permission on agents will override all their permissions to highest access. Giving all admins full access. |
Reset security stamps for Agents / Users each time an integration with role mappings runs, regardless of if the roles change | Checkbox | When checked and an integration runs (conventionally via halo integrator) i.e. using the agents permission level to run the integration. If for example the agent logged in as on the halo integrator is being used to sync assets to an RMM tool, but they lack the permissions for assets, therefore it will error, so you have their permissions for assets elevated. Normally you would need to regenerate the secret for the halo integrator, with this setting turned on, you will not need to regenerate a secret for the halo integrator, the security stamp will reset. |
Certificates | List | This will take you to the Certificates list, where you can add and manage certificates on your system. Upload your own X.509 certificate pfx files to verify webhooks and database lookups. Do not add your SSL certificate here. |
Update encryption (n passwords / secrets to update) | Button | This function will attempt to update these secrets/ passwords to the current encryption certificate. Where n represents the number of secrets/passwords you will have that need updated. Configure a X.509 certificate for encrypting password fields. For On-premise customers "Add the property "EncryptionThumbprint" equal to your certificates thumprint in /api/appsettings.json. This cerificate must be located within the LocalMachine/My store of the Server running the web application." This will update the mentioned Secrets and Passwords' encryption to match the most recent certificate. This cannot be done inside your current time zone's peak hours (Mon-Fri 0800-1800) as it is very resource intensive and will otherwise slow down the system. |
(Set Next system ID) Tickets | Integer | Determines the next Ticket ID to use - For Tickets and other entities with a system ID, the below integer values will be used when creating the next entity - they will not work if there are already entites with a higher ID than the integer you input into the field. |
(Set Next system ID) Invoices | Integer | Determines the next Invoice ID to use - For Invoices and other entities with a system ID, the below integer values will be used when creating the next entity - they will not work if there are already entites with a higher ID than the integer you input into the field. |
(Set Next system ID) Quotations | Integer | Determines the next Quotation ID to use - For Quotations and other entities with a system ID, the below integer values will be used when creating the next entity - they will not work if there are already entites with a higher ID than the integer you input into the field. |
(Set Next system ID) Sales Orders | Integer | Determines the next Sales Order ID to use - For Sales Orders and other entities with a system ID, the below integer values will be used when creating the next entity - they will not work if there are already entities with a higher ID than the integer you input into the field. |
(Set Next system ID) Purchase Orders | Integer | Determines the next Purchase Order ID to use - For Purchase Orders and other entities with a system ID, the below integer values will be used when creating the next entity - they will not work if there are already entites with a higher ID than the integer you input into the field. |
Attachment Upload Size Limit (MB) | Integer | This places a designated limit on the file-size allowed for uploading attachments to Halo. The attachment limit should be between 0 and 28 MB due to IIS restrictions. |
Load images via the API | Checkbox | This will determine the route via which images are loaded; straight from the database, or via an API-Image Link (Available only to on-premises instances) |
Image Storage Location | Single Select | Dictates where images are stored. (Available only to on-premises instances) |
Attachment Storage Location | Single Select | Dictates where Attachments are stored. |
Allow Microsoft Office files to be viewed in the browser | Checkbox | When clicking on an attached Word, PowerPoint, or Excel file, the file will be displayed in a modal preview. Attachments can be downloaded by right-clicking them. |
Enable Full-Text Searching | Checkbox | This returns smarter results when searching a document for phrases or sentences. In contrast to traditional searches, this will return results containing partial matches too, as opposed to exact matches. (For on-premise clients Full-Text search must be enabled in SQL Server to use this). |
Full-Text search method | Single Select | This allows the choice between different formulas for Full-Text searching. The configuration of this is only available for on-premise clients. |
Use new search method | Checkbox | Recommended to use When checked, the "New Full-Text Search Method" option will disappear. This is an improved and more efficient search, especially when there are lots of tickets and actions to be searched. |
New Full-Text Search Method | Single Select | Provides the option to search the full text first and then search using a contains clause. |
Enable Full-Text Searching on Action notes | Checkbox | Allow for Actions that contain notes sections to be searchable using the Full-Text Searching method described in the above setting. Note that searching actions will impact search performance. |
Only search actions in Ticket areas and only when opting in | Checkbox | When Enable Full-Text Searching on Action notes is selected, then this dropdown will appear - it will limit the actions to search through to only the ticket areas, so excluding anywhere else actions are used. This will help to improve search performance. |
Only search Ticket IDs if the search term exactly matches a Ticket ID | Checkbox | This will stop searches returning ticket results if the ticket ID happens to be included inside any other numbers in the search query, they will be returned should the ID be exactly stated. |
Enable accent insensitive search | Checkbox | When selected, accents do not have to be explicitly typed into the top left search bar of the navigation menu (not applicable to the filter search bar on columns of lists). When this checkbox is unselected accents must be included in order for names with accent letters to appear in the search. NB: This setting can only be applied when using full-text searching |
Show the Tree menu search option | Checkbox | This enables/disables the search bar at the top left when viewing tickets, assets etc... After clicking "enter" to search for your desired ticket, etc. There will be different filtering options which appear. |
Enable searching of multiple entities at once | Checkbox | When selected, there will be a dropdown of different entities which can be searched for (Articles, Suppliers, etc...). Choose what entities are searched when using the "All" search option "Located in the top right corner of the screen". Having lots of entities selected will impact search times. It is recommended you only enable the entities that will be frequently searched for. |
Show the quick search in the navigation bar | Checkbox | When checked, a permanent search bar is available at the top right of the screen, this will automatically search all entities specified on the below options. Entity filtering will not be possible in quick search with this setting enabled. |
Show a multi select Field instead of checkboxes for lookup Fields in the Search Filters | Checkbox | After enabling this setting log out and back into Halo for this feature to be activated. With this setting enabled, when searching in Halo via the search button in the left side navigation bar, or from the top bar if "Show the quick search in the navigation bar" is turned off within configuration > advanced settings. When you use the search functionality and i.e. filter the search by tickets via clicking the "All" option and changing the dropdown to display a search on tickets. You will then be able to use another filter (symbolised by a filter button) within to search for i.e. specific statuses. Traditionally this would display a list of checkboxes, with this new setting enabled you will see a multi select dropdown in which you can specify the statuses you want to search for. |
Choose what entities are searched when using the "All" search option | Checkbox(es) | There are a series of checkboxes below this header, this determines which entities are searched against when using the 'All' search option. if a checkbox against an entity is checked, this will be included in the search. e the more entities selected the more search times will be impacted. |
Enable Knowledge Base Article Full-Text Searching | Checkbox | Adds the Full-Text searching functionality to the Knowledge Base search bar too. This will improve search times and accuracy when searching for knowledge base articles. (For on-premise customers Full-Text search must be enabled in SQL Server to use this) |
Knowledge Base Search Type | Single Select | Offers options on how the Knowledge Base search formula is processed. "Each" will search for the words individually, "Every" will return results where all the words are present, not necessarily in the right order. "Entire" will search for all the words in the order given on the search bar. Essentially Each will be searching for articles containing "Knowledge" or "Base", whereas Every is searching for articles containing "Knowledge" and "Base". Finally Entire is searching articles containing the entire string of words given in the search bar "Knowledge Base". |
Enable Agent Online Status Tracking | Checkbox | This enables tracking of the last agent that was online and allows automatic changing of the agent status to idle when there is lack of activity. |
Agent idle timeout (minutes) | Integer | This input determines the amount of idle time allowed in Halo before an agent is logged out. 0 = no timeout, 5 minutes is the minimum amount. If an agent exceeds this time they will be logged out. |
Enable idle timeout for Named licenced Agents | Checkbox | This setting will only display if the Agent idle timeout (minutes) has a value. The licence type: Named Licences is defined from the type of licence you have bought from Halo, with this setting enabled, the agent timeout will be activated for the Named licence type. |
Enable idle timeout for Concurrent licenced Agents | Checkbox | This setting will only display if the Agent idle timeout (minutes) has a value. The licence type: Concurrent Licences is defined from the type of licence you have bought from Halo, with this setting enabled, the agent timeout will be activated for the Concurrent licence type. |
Record concurrent licence usage data | Checkbox | This will take a snapshot of logged in Agent count throughout the day and store it in the OnlineStatusSnapshot table. |
Main Screen Refresh Interval (Minutes) | Integer | Dictates how often the main screen will refresh it's data. |
Batch size for sending bulk emails | Integer | Dictates how many emails will be sent at a time when sending many emails to the same user at once. |
Halo Integrator User/Agent Import Batching Amount | Integer | Dictates how many Users/Agents are imported at one time when using the Halo integrator. This only applies to the following integrations: Azure Active Directory, Microsoft CSP, Google Workspace, Dynamics 365. |
Next Ticket Id Calculation Method | Single Select | Two options: Classic and Auto-incrementing key This method improves scalability and performance when creating many new Tickets per second, but a Ticket Id can no longer be specified when importing Tickets. |
Use the new storage method for single-select custom fields | Checkbox | This only applies to new custom fields, not pre-existing ones. When this setting is checked, the storage of Dynamic SQL single select custom fields, will not be stored in cache when being selected, this will increase the available cache space when multiple SQL single selects are in use. |
Screen Layout Profiles | Button | Takes you to the configuring of screen layout profiles. Refer to this guide for more information: Ticket/ Client Areas Guide This can be overridden per agent by going to Agents > Preferences Tab > Screen Layouts dropdown. |
Default Client Details screen layout | Single Select | Sets the default layout for the Customer Details section, on views such as the customer details section of ticket screens. This selection is taken from the 'Screen Layout Profiles' set up already. This can be overridden per agent by going to Agents > Preferences Tab > Screen Layouts dropdown. |
Default User Details screen layout | This is constructed the same way that screen layouts are achieved for Clients, Navigation, etc... This can be overridden per agent by going to Agents > Preferences Tab > Screen Layouts dropdown. | |
Default Site Details screen layout | This is constructed the same way that screen layouts are achieved for Clients, Navigation, etc... This can be overridden per agent by going to Agents > Preferences Tab > Screen Layouts dropdown. | |
Default Navigation menu layout | Single Select | Sets the default layout for the Navigation Menu (icons on left-hand side). This selection is taken from the 'Screen Layout Profiles' set up already. This can be overridden per agent by going to Agents > Preferences Tab > Screen Layouts dropdown. |
Default Agreement Details screen layout | This is constructed the same way that screen layouts are achieved for Clients, Navigation, etc... This can be overridden per agent by going to Agents > Preferences Tab > Screen Layouts dropdown. | |
Details screen display mode | Single Select | Dictates the layout of the 'Details' tab on Clients, Sites, Users, and Assets. This can either be it's own tab, or located on the right hand side of the area. When pinned to the right is chosen, the details of a customer will show on a seperate column on the right hand side of the main page of the customer, the first tab will be the overview. |
Ask to enter a reason when deleting a Ticket | Checkbox | When checked, an Agent must enter a reason before a Ticket can be deleted (stored in the DB for auditing purposes). |
Permanently delete entities from the database | Checkbox | When unselected, deleting Tickets will remove them from the UI but maintain records in the DB. When checked, Tickets are also deleted from the DB. |
Deleted Tickets | List | When "Permanently delete entities from the database" is unselected, This button appears, which shows a list of the Deleted Tickets. When you tick the checkbox of a ticket you will be given the options to restore the ticket(s) or permanently delete, these options can be found by hovering over the "Edit" button, which appears when you check on tickets. |
Keep a record in the database when deleting notifications | Checkbox | Stops notification rows from being removed from the notification table in the database, instead a 'deleted' column is populated on the row. |
Enable config change tracking | Checkbox | When enabled, this will begin the logging of config changes, which will aid disaster recovery and fault detection. Recommended to turn this setting on. |
View config changes | Button | Sends you to a page that shows all the different auditable configuration changes made on Halo, such as settings being turned on/ off. The entities which have config tracking on them, such as "Ticket Types" under Configuration>Tickets>Ticket Types will be marked with a blue icon Top right hand side of the page. When the icon is clicked on, it will take you to the list of config changes. These tracked changes can be rolled back to if a mistake is made. So if you made a mistake when configuring Halo, you can roll back everything you done to just before that mistake was made. A change that would be tracked for example is a checkbox being turned on. So this setting is very useful to see what checkbox or settings you have configured and whether or not you want to roll them all back. The roll back will undo everything done after and including the config change you rollback to. Config Change Tracking Guide Note: Deletes cannot be rolled back |
Use Event Service | Checkbox | Enables the features coming with the new Event Service updates. |
Use Outgoing Service | Checkbox | Enables the new outgoing mail service which is significantly faster than the previous. |
Use Incoming Service | Checkbox | Enables the new incoming mail service which is significantly faster than the previous. |
Use Scheduling Service | Single Select | Dictates whether the NHServer can schedule events, such as sending emails. |
Backend Service Monitoring | Button | Requires the scheduling service to be on for this button to show in the list. Opens the monitoring service where the multiple different email logs can be viewed to i.e. see if there is anything not sending or being received in emails. This is also used to monitor the task scheduler, the halo integrator logs, scheduled emails and automations. |
Unsent Emails | List | Shows a list of Emails that are queued for or have failed sending. |
Clear Unsent Actions | Button | Requires the scheduling service to be off for this button to show in the list. Clears and ignores any actions that have not been processed yet. |
Clear Unsent Email Store | Button | Requires the scheduling service to be off for this button to show in the list. Clears and ignores any emails in EmailStore that have not been processed yet. (EmailStore contains object-related emails, i.e. non-ticket related.) |
Clear Unsent Notifications | Button | Requires the scheduling service to be off for this button to show in the list. Clears and ignores any notifications that have not been processed yet. |
Clear Stuck Actions | Button | Requires the scheduling service to be off for this button to show in the list. Clears any unsent emails from the system that have originated from an Action, and have already failed to send at least once. |
Clear Stuck EmailStore | Button | Requires the scheduling service to be off for this button to show in the list. Clears any unsent emails from the EmailStore that have already failed to send at least once. (EmailStore contains object-related emails, i.e. non-ticket related.) |
Clean up formatting when pasting from HTML | Checkbox | This will intelligently alter the formatting of the text pasted from HTML into something more readable. |
Allow automatic linked User management for Agents | Checkbox | This will mark Users who are also Agents as such on their User profiles to avoid confusion. |
Record Ticket views | Checkbox | Enables the logging of ticket viewing stats, in the FaultsViewLog table. |
Use '[ID ]' as an additional subject tag check for Ticket matching | Checkbox | This option will use the default ticket matching tag alongside whatever else is specified in the Email configuration. Referencing the Email Start and End tags configured in Configuration > Email. Then the optional checkbox for matching tickets by using tag on email subject can also be set (located below the email tag text boxes). |
Send default Ticket PDF when a Ticket is closed and contains a Signature attachment (Signature.JPG) | Checkbox | (Legacy) This can be used to avoid the issue where signatures were created using the old QR2 designer, and would mess up the emails. |
HTML Template Editor Type | Single Select | Enables the 'Toggle HTML Editor' option when altering HTML in PDF templates. (Configuration>Reporting>PDF Templates) |
Enable Agent check-ins | Checkbox | When checked, Produces a "How am I feeling" section on the home screen for Agents which can then be reported on. In the reporting module, head to the online repository and search for "Agent Check In" |
Customise responses | Button | Found on the right hand side of the page, as a button. The text on the different responses agents can choose from on the check-in can be customised using this button, the colour of the response can also be customised. |
Allow Agents to react to actions | Checkbox | This allows a range of emoji reactions to be used on individual actions. |
Enable Halo news and seasonal theme notifications | Checkbox | This allows news items from Halo to be displayed in the customer's Halo instance. These are published via Halo themselves. |
Track Ticket category by ID and name | Checkbox | This must be selected if you want to allow ticket categories to be translated to other languages. |
Prompt for confirmation when deleting a custom table row | Checkbox | When Checked, shows a prompt for confirmation when removing a custom table row. |
Format to use for Asset/Site date fields | Integer | This value corresponds to date format used for different regions. i.e. 103 = dd/mm/yyyy, 101 = mm/dd/yyyy the codes are used to change how the sql interprets the datetime fields for assets and sites. |
Disable Entity Framework for saving incoming emails via the incoming service | Checkbox | This setting changes how downloaded email data is saved in the incoming service. Adds additional checks to make sure downloaded message data has been saved correctly. This is a niche setting which may be required to use if the email rules you are using have multiple field mappings with complicated and inconsistent values to find in between the tags, there are various other factors which can affect email processing when there are multiple complicated field mappings. |
Lookup Codes | Button | When clicked into, it takes you to a list of lookup codes. For an explanation of the entity for quote statuses and how to create them, checkout this guide: Quotation Statuses. Topic 2 of this guide: Holiday Management explains how holiday types are made and that they are stored as a lookup code. Most of the entities in the Lookup codes appear as a configurable option somewhere else in Halo, such as the "Asset Matching Value Exclusions" button found at the bottom of the page of Configuration>Asset Management>General Settings. |
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