HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Google Mail Setup (Setting up Google Application)
Setting Up A Google Mail App
Login to https://console.cloud.google.com
- Select New Project from the Select a Project menu or Create Project from the Dashboard
Give the project a name and create it.
Search for and select API and Services
- Select Enable APIS and Services
- Search for Gmail API and enable the API for use.
- Go to OAuth consent screen
For Workspace users go here to set up an internal app
For non workspace users go here to set up an external app with test users.
Workspace user client setup
- Select internal.
- Add email information.
- Click save and continue
- Click add scope.
- Add GMail API - https://mail.google.com/ scope.
Non-Workspace user client setup
- Select external.
- Add email information.
- Click save and continue
- Click add scope
- Add GMail API - https://mail.google.com/ scope.
- Because this is an internal app you will now need to add all mailboxes which you want to be accessed into the Test Users section.
Create Credentials
- Go to credentials.
- Click Create Credentials
- Select OAuth client ID.
- Select Web Applicationfor the application type and enter your Web App Auth URL followed by auth/externalauth as the authorised redirect URI.
- For example if your web application is accessed at https://my.halo.app then the redirect URL would be https://my.halo.app/auth/externalauth.
Once created click into this credential to copy the Client ID and Client secret. These will be needed when setting up the Web App connection.
When a domain is used on the consent screen or in an OAuth client’s configuration, it must be pre-registered. If your app needs to go through verification, please go to the Google Search Console to check if your domains are authorized. Learn more about the authorized domain limit.
Setting Up Halo
Go to Config > Email > Mailbox Setup > New.
- Give the connection a name to identify it within Halo.
- Select the Google mailbox type
- Add the client id copied from the previous step
- Add the client secret copied from the previous step.
- Click Sign In With Google to authorise access to the app.
- Once completed you should be redirected back to the mailbox setup screen. If the authorisation was successful the Sign In button will have changed to a disconnect button.
- Remember to save once completed.
Additionally you will be required to add the from/ reply address in the outgoing tab in order for this mailbox to be visible in the "Outgoing email default" found within configuration > email:
Clicking into the button, you will be presented with the following options:
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