HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Asset Fields
In the previous lesson, we were introduced to the concept of Asset fields. For a list of settings with their descriptions, check out the:
Associated Admin Guide
Lets take a closer look at how these fields are configured. First, it is important to understand Asset Fields Vs. Custom Fields against the Asset entity. Asset fields are created/amended via Configuration > Asset Management > Asset Fields:
Fig 1. Asset Field Configuration
The configuration around the field(s) is composed of specifying the field name/label, field type (text, single select, password etc..), system use (for specific functionality around opening an RDP address). You are also presented with the option to mark the field as mandatory.
Asset fields can be added to specific Assets types (via the field list tab against an Asset type), or added to all Asset types via the Asset Field option:
Fig 2. Option to add Asset field to all Asset Types
Asset Fields can be added to
Custom Fields (For Asset Entity)
Custom Fields for the Asset Entity are configured in a similar way to Custom Fields for all other entities - via Configuration > Custom Objects > Custom Fields. Ensure you select 'Asset' as your entity:
Fig 3. Selecting Asset entity for Custom Fields
You will find more options here against the type of field to be created (Rich Text, Single/Multiple Select, Custom Table etc..). Custom Fields for Assets will be added to all Asset types & will be displayed on either the 'Custom Fields' tab, or the manually created Custom Tab that you have selected against the Custom Field custom objects course to get a detailed over view of custom fields, custom tabs, etc...):
Fig 4. Custom Tab selection within a Custom Field
So the key differences between Asset Fields & Custom Fields for Assets are as follows:
- Custom Fields for Assets provide more options within the configuration of the field itself, but cannot be added/removed per Asset Type.
- Asset Fields provide fewer configuration options within the Field, but can be added to specific Asset Types.
Added new asset $-variables
These are:
$-ASSET_PARTSWARRANTYSTART - The asset's parts warranty start date.
$-ASSET_PARTSWARRANTYEND - The asset's parts warranty end date.
$-ASSET_LABOURWARRANTYSTART - The asset's labour warranty start date.
$-ASSET_LABOURWARRANTYEND - The asset's labour warranty end date.
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