HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Guides > Areas
Table View
Field | Type | Description |
Sequence | Header | This is the sequence value of that particular Area. This will decide the order in which these appear in the navigation menu. |
Name | Header | This is the name of the Area, and will be how it is displayed throughout the system in both lists and menus. |
Top Bar
Field | Type | Description |
Edit / Save | Button | Allows the ability to edit the details of this Area, then save them afterwards. |
Clone | Button | This will create an exact replica of this Area, it is reccomended that you name this Area differently to the original to avoid confusion. |
Delete | Button | Deletes the Area. You will be warned. |
Field | Type | Description |
Ticket Area Name | Free Text | This is the name of the Area, and will be how it is displayed throughout the system in both lists and menus. |
Sequence in lists | Integer | This is the sequence value of the Area. This will decide the order in which these appear in the navigation menu. |
Entity name (Singular) | Free Text | Should an entity belong to this Area, it will be labelled as this, should it be singular in nature. |
Entity name (Plural) | Free Text | Should entities belong to this Area, they will be labelled as this, should they be plural in nature. |
Use | Single Select | This will dictate what sort of process will be monitored and viewed via this Area, and offers the choice between Tickets and Opportunities. |
Button Icon | Single Select | This will be the icon that is displayed on the Navigation Menu to denote this Area. |
Default View | Single Select | This will be the View that Agents will be presented with when first entering this Area. This can then be overriden on their Agent profile, or ad-hoc should it need changing. Should "My Lists" be selected, an additional field will appear for choosing which list is displayed upon opening this view. |
Default Filter Profile | Single Select | This offers a choice between any configured Filter Profiles to be used as a default when viewing this Area. |
Default Column Profle | Single Select | This offers a choice between any configured Column Profiles to be used as a default when viewing this Area. |
Default Template Group | Single Select | Should any option other than "All Templates" be chosen here, templates used via this Area will be limited to the group in the selection made. |
ITIL Ticket Type | Single Select | The ITIL Type chosen here will be applied as a filter on any tickets in this Area. |
Default Ticket Type | Single Select | The selection made here will dictate the Ticket Type that any new tickets created from this Area will be set to upon creation. This can be overriden at that time. |
Prompt to select a Service when creating a new Ticket | Single Select | The selection made here will dictate which, if any, Service selection will be prompted upon creating new tickets via this Area. |
Show this area as a tab on details screens | Checkbox | NB: For this checkbox to show, you must have 'Split Tickets tabs into Ticket areas' which can be turned on in Configuration>Tickets>General Settings When checked, should you be viewing a section of the application where Tickets are listed, for example a Customer, whereby the view is set to be split into Areas, Guide: Split tickets Tab, then this will show this area as a tab. If disabled, these will be hidden only if the view is split into Area tabs. Guide: Ticket Areas |
Show the New Ticket Button | Checkbox | When checked, the "New" button at the top right of the Tickets table will be visible, if not; the ability to use and see this button is revoked. |
Filters added to this list will restrict the entities which are visible in this Area. These are the primary way of establishing different content per Area.
Field | Type | Description |
Field Name | Single Select | This will be the field that this particular filter criteria is based upon. The fields here will be available from any Ticket fields configured. |
Filter Type | Single Select | This will determine the matching criteria that this filter is looking for, i.e., equals, or indludes, or is not equal to. |
Values | [Type of field selected above] | The value(s) entered here will be the values with which the criteria will need to match in order to be shown in this Area. |
Field | Type | Description |
Team | Multiple Select | The Team(s) selected here will be the only Team(s) able to view this Area. If left empty, all teams will be able to see this Area. |
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