HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Guides > Automated Tickets
Automated Tickets
Field | Type | Description |
Name | Free Text | This will be the name of the Automated Ticket template as it appears elswhere in the system. |
Group | Single Select | This will be the group to which this template belongs. These groups can be placed as restrictions as to which templates can be used where. |
Automation Criteria | Single Select | The option chosen here will dictate which type of entity will cause this template to automatically generate a ticket. |
Criteria | Table | Criteria can be added here which the afore stated entitiy must match before it will automatically create a ticket using this template. These criteria are field-based (these fields will be selectable from the relevant entitity's field list), and will have a matching criteria to some stated value(s). |
Increase Contract Next Call Date by this many days | Integer | Should the "Contracts" entitiy be selected for the Automation Criteria option, this field will appear. This will be the number of days by which the Contract Next Call Date will be extended should this ticket be created. |
In fields where text is a valid input, dollar variables can be used to populate the values with more scenario-specific information.
Field | Type | Description |
Ticket Type | Single Select | This selection will determine the Ticket Type that is created via this template, and will be selectable from any that have been configured in your system. |
Summary | Free Text | This will be the Summary of the ticket generated by this template. |
Details | Rich Text | This will be the Details of the ticket generated by this template. |
Status | Sinlge Select | The selection here will be the initial Status that tickets generated via this template are logged with. |
Team | Single Select | The selection here will be the initial Team that tickets generated via this template are logged to. |
Agent | Single Select | The selection here will be the Agent (or allocation method used) that tickets created from this template will be initially assigned to upon logging. |
Priority | Single Select | The selection here will be the initial Priority that tickets generated via this template are logged with. |
Category | Single Select | The selection here will be the initial Category value that tickets generated via this template are logged with. (This is often renamed) |
Resolution Code | Single Select | The selection here will be the initial Resolution Code value that tickets generated via this template are logged with. (This is often renamed) |
Category 3 | Single Select | The selection here will be the initial Category 3 value that tickets generated via this template are logged with. (This is often renamed) |
Category 4 | Single Select | The selection here will be the initial Category 4 value that tickets generated via this template are logged with. (This is often renamed) |
Estimated Time | Time (hh:mm) | The time entered here will be set as the default Estimated Time value for any tickets logged via this template. This time value is used in availability forecasting, and will not be marked as billable. |
Start a Workflow | Single Select | Any tickets generated from this template will instantly begin the Workflow selected here, being placed at the starting step of the flow. |
Start an Approval Process | Single Select | Any tickets generated from this template will instantly begin the Approval Process selected here, informing any relevant approvers of the ticket's creation. |
Impact | Single Select | The selection here will be the initial Impact value that tickets generated via this template are logged with. |
Urgency | Single Select | The selection here will be the initial Urgency value that tickets generated via this template are logged with. |
Show to End User | Single Select | The option chosen here will decide whether tickets created via this template will be visible to the End User via the Self Service Portal. |
Forward incoming updates to all recipients | Single Select | The option chosen here will decide whether any updates coming in to the ticket (from Users or Agents) will be forwarded to anyone in the Email Recipients list, should they not be included in the Email To, Cc, or Bcc fields already. |
Exclude from SLA | Single Select | The option chosen here will decide whether tickets created via this template are included or excluded from the relevant SLA for that Ticket Type upon generation. |
Article | Single Select | Any Article chosen here will be marked as related to any tickets created via this tempate. These can be used to guide the User or Agent in solving the issue. |
Email Cc List | Multiple Select | This field will use Intellisense (should it be enabled in Email General Settings) to produce email address suggestions from the contact book once you begin to type them. The emails entered here will be added to the Cc list for any tickets generated via this template. |
Budget Type | Single Select | Budgets are used for internal tracking of time/ money. The budget type is set to decide the default rate per hour. The rate set on a budget type determines the (internal) hourly rate to use for a Budget type. Used as a means of calculating Project costs. |
Override Budgets Table | Checkbox | If a budgets table has been set, you can override with the budgets set on the table below. With this option set, you can override the budget table set on the project per task. Useful for creating the child ticket templates (tasks) for projects. |
Budgets Table | Table | Set some budgets for the Table, which will be the budgets inherited for this template |
Default Start Date | Integer | The value placed here will determine how many days after creation that the Start Date of the ticket will be set to. This is handy for forecasting Project availability. This value will be used for any tickets generated via this template. (-1 will disable this functionality) |
Default Target Date | Integer | The value placed here will determine how many days after the Start Date that the Target Date of the ticket will be set to. This is handy for forecasting Project availability. This value will be used for any tickets generated via this template. (If the above function is disabled, then the number of days will be added from the creation date instaed. -1 will disable this functionality) |
Related Services | Multiple Select | The Services selected here will be marked as related to any tickets that are generated via this template. |
Default Resource Type | Single Select | The Resource Type selected here will be used as a default value for any tickets that are generated via this template. This type is used to establish the type of Resource Booking that such appointments arranged via these tickets will be booked as. |
Additional Agents | Multiple Select | Should the concept of Multi-Agent tickets be enabled (via Tickets General Settings), this will allow the additional Agents selected to work on tickets generated via this template, with only the primary (assigned) Agent acting as owning the ticket. That Agent will be the only one recognised by notifications and ticket counters, etc.. |
To-Do List
This to-do list will be added to tickets generated via this template. These, unless configured otherwise, will act simply as a visual aid as to what needs doing on that task. Their completion can be configured to be compulsory before the closure of the ticket.
Field | Type | Description |
Add... | Single Select | This will determine the way you are adding the To-Do item(s) to this list. |
Task | Free Text | Should "Add an ad-hoc To-Do item" be selected, this will allow the input of any text value to be used as a To-Do item on the Ticket's To-Do list. |
Template | Single Select | Should "Add a To-Do list from a Template" be selected, this will allow you to select a Template from which any and all To-Do list items are pulled from. |
To-Do List Group | Single Select | Should "Add a To-Do List Group" be selected, this will offer a choice of any To-Do List Groups to add to this list. These have their own Headers and contain several to-do list items each. The option will also appear next to this to configure a new To-Do List Group. |
Customer | List | The To-Do List Item(s) will only be added to tickets generated by this template should the ticket be under any Customers listed here. |
Field | Type | Description |
Name | Header | This will be the name of any Child Templates added to be used with this tickets generated via this (parent) template. |
# of Rules | Header | This will be how many creation rules are configured on this particular Child In order for the Ticket to generate. Should no rules be stated, the Child will be created and attached as soon as tickets are created via this (parent) template. If the checkbox 'Create in a read-only state' is on from within the child tickets Values Tab. Then there will be a creation rule 'Type' called "Unlock Rule" this could then have 'Condition': 'Unlock after closing another child', which when set, gives you the option for a child ticket template that needs to be closed off before this child ticket can be edited. |
Group Number | Integer | The Group Number will determine the rule group to which this rule being created belongs to. Only one rule from a certain group will need to be matched for that group to be marked as met. Should several groups be present, all groups will need to be marked as met, along with any non-grouped rules, for this Child to be created. |
Condition | Single Select | The selection made here will dictate the criteria that this rule will need to meet to be marked as matched. The selection will provide different options below with which to configure the rule, which should be self-explanatory. |
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