HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Approval Process Approvers
In this guide we will cover:
- "Approve by" Options
- Approval Overrides
- Approver Notes
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"Approve by" Options
In order to get to this menu, you will need to head to Configuration > Tickets > Approval Processes > Setup Processes.
Here, you can choose an Approval Process to modify, or create a new one.
This Process will have a number of Steps, each of which will have a field named "Approve By", which will produce various new fields with which to further specify the approvers. It's these choices that will be explained on this guide.
Fig 1. Approve by dropdown.
A fixed Agent
A specific agent will be required to approve this process.
A fixed CAB
A specific Change Advise Board will be required to approve this process. The options here will be available from a list of configured CABs in your system.
A fixed User
A specific User will be required to approve this process.
A fixed Email Address
The Email Address entered here will be used as the mandatory approver for this process in order for it to progress to the next step.
The defined Change Approver User at the Site
This will set the approver to be a certain User at the End-User of the ticket's Site. The User will be determined by any User at that Site with the option "This User can partake in approvals" checked.
The User
The End-User of the ticket will be set as the approver.
The Users Manager (in AD)
For this option to work, the Azure Active Directory (or Active Directory) integration must be enabled and configured. This will then look into the AD information and find the person marked as the "Manager" of the End-User of the ticket. That person will be used as the approver.
The Users 2nd level Manager (in AD)
For this option to work, the Azure Active Directory (or just Active Directory) integration must be enabled and configured. This will then look into the AD information and find the person marked as the "2nd level Manager" of the End-User of the ticket (this is usually the manager of their Manager). That person will be used as the approver.
The Head of the Users default Department
Should the End-User be part of a Department, the member of that Department that is marked as the Department Manager will be used as the approver for this step. Department managers (Approvers) can be added in the user roles section of config: Configuration > Users > User Roles.
Asset Business Owner
Should the ticket have an asset associated with it, that asset's Business Owner will be used as the approver for this step. Should multiple assets be related to this ticket, the primary asset will be used. If there are no assets related, then the approval will automatically be approved.
Asset Technical Owner
Should the ticket have an asset associated with it, that asset's Technical Owner will be used as the approver for this step. Should multiple assets be related to this ticket, the primary asset will be used. If there are no assets related, then the approval will automatically be approved.
Related Service(s) Business Owner
Owners of all related services on a ticket are requested for approval, and each owner must approve.
Related Service(s) Technical Owner
Owners of all related services on a ticket are requested for approval, and each owner must approve.
Related Service(s) Compliance Owner
Owners of all related services on a ticket are requested for approval, and each owner must approve.
Ad-hoc Approver
This step will be approved by an ad-hoc Email Address entered when the first step starts.
Choose Agent when starting the process
This step will be approved by an agent selected when the first step starts.
Choose CAB when starting the process
This step will be approved by a CAB selected when the first step starts.
Choose from a list of approver users at the site
Approved by a User selected when the first step starts.
Choose from a list of approver users at the client
Approved by a User selected when the first step starts.
Choose from a list of approver users at all clients
Approved by a User selected when the first step starts.
When using this option, approver notes can show in the popup where the user is selected as of v2.176.1.
Fig 2. Approver note popup.
Approver notes can be set on a user in the permissions tab. This can be a useful feature if you want to see information about the selected users at a glance.
Fig 3. Approver Note on a user.
Choose from a list of approver Users with a Role
This allows you to select a user role and number of approvals needed. When the approval process starts the agent can choose which approvers to use from the users that have this role.
Choose from a list of approver Users with a role at the Ticket's Site
Upon selection, can specify a User role. When starting the approval process, you can select from all users with the role at the ticket's site.
Choose from a list of approver Users with a role at the Ticket's Customer
Upon selection, can specify a User role. When starting the approval process, you can select from all users with the role at the ticket's client.
Choose from a list of approver Users at the client (All must approve)
Approved by a list of users selected when the first step starts.
Choose from a list of approver Users at all clients (All must approve)
Approved by a list of users selected when the first step starts.
Choose from a list of approver Users at the site (All must approve)
Approved by a list of users selected when the first step starts.
Choose from a list of approver Users with a role (All must approve)
Approved by a list of users selected when the first step starts.
All Change Approvers at a Site
Approved by any one Change Approver at the given site.
All Change Approvers at a Client
Approved by any one Change Approver at the given customer.
All Change Approvers
Approved by any one Change Approver at any Customer or Site.
Team Leader
Team Leader(s) of the team the ticket is assigned to will be selected as approvers.
Linked Article Owner
If the ticket is linked to an Article, the owner will need to approve.
All Change Approvers at the Tickets Site
Approved by any one Change Approver at the Ticket's site.
All Change Approvers at the Tickets Client
Approved by any one Change Approver at the Ticket's customer.
All Change Approvers with a role
This will allow you to select a user role and a number of approvals needed. The request will need to be approved by the change approver users who have this role.
All Change Approvers with a role at the Tickets Site
This will allow you to select a user role and a number of approvals needed. The request will need to be approved by the change approver users who have this role within the Ticket's site.
All Change Approvers with a role at the Tickets Customer
This will allow you to select a user role and a number of approvals needed. The request will need to be approved by the change approver users who have this role.
Related Asset(s) Business owner
Owners of all related assets on a ticket are requested for approval, and each owner must approve.
Related Asset(s) Technical owner
Owners of all related assets on a ticket are requested for approval, and each owner must approve.
Assigned Agents Manager
The manager of the agent the ticket is assigned to (set on the agent profile) will need to approve.
Determine Agent approver from a custom field
Can be determined from a text, single-select or multi-select field. Text fields can contain either the ID or name of the agent.
Determine User approver from a custom field
Can be determined from a text, single-select or multi-select field. Text fields can contain either the ID or name of the user.
Determine approver email address from a custom field
Can be determined from a text, single-select or multi-select field. Text fields must contain a valid email address.
Primary Service Business owner (v2.176.1)
Owners of the primary service of a ticket are requested for approval, and each owner must approve.
Primary Service Technical owner (v2.176.1)
Owners of the primary service of a ticket are requested for approval, and each owner must approve.
Primary Service Compliance owner (v2.176.1)
Owners of the primary service of a ticket are requested for approval, and each owner must approve.
Determined by Global Approval Process Rules
Approvers will be determined by approval process rules set up in Configuration > Tickets > Approval Processes.
Determined by Approval Process Rules
Approvers will be determined by approval process rules set up under the dropdown.
Approval Overrides
Certain agents can be given the permission to override approvals, this is useful for agents who are not typical/required approvers for requests but have enough authority that they can approve/override requests if they wish (typically directors/admin agents). The original approver will be CC'd into the approval email for monitoring purposes.
To give an agent this ability head to Configuration > Teams & Agents > Agents > select the agent > Permissions, enable 'Can Override Approval Results' permission.
To override an approval, right click on one of the approvers under the 'approval process' area within the ticket. You will then be given several options, shown in Fig 4, if selecting "Accept' or "Reject" the approver will no longer be able to submit an approval and the overriding agent will be shown to be the one approving/rejecting.
Fig 4. Overriding approval options
Agents who have this permission can also clear approval results. When an agent has approved/declined a request this result can be cleared by right clicking on it and selecting 'clear result'.
This is only for reporting purposes and does not affect the actual approval process, and also will not re-start the approval process. This is useful in cases where agent's approvals are used as metrics, if a mistake has been made this can be used to remove the data for more accurate reporting. When an approval is cleared this will be logged in the audit log.
Fig 5. Clear approval result (for reporting purposes only)
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