HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Jira Service Management Integration
A Jira Service Management integration is now available, which allows the creation of requests and actions in a customer's/supplier's Jira Service Management instance, as well as syncing back any updates to the request.
The integration needs to be enabled from the integration configuration area, but the credentials and field mappings are configured per customer/supplier. The cross icon indicates the module is already turned on.
Once the integration is enabled, a Jira Service Management tab will appear on the customer/suppliers details page. Here you can enter the credentials for their instance of Jira Service Management. These credentials must be validated before setting up any of the mappings.
NB: The "Password" field is to be used for inputting the API Key, which can be generated via the link given (this only shows if editing the page).
Once validated, you can configure mappings for request type, priority, and status, as well as a default reporter and service desk for the requests. Create a change request on halo and then send the ticket to Jira Service Management, it will pull through as an "Emailed Request", similarly if the status was sent as In progress, it will appear on Jira as In Progress.
Syncing to Jira Service Management
To sync requests, you can create an action with the system use 'Send ticket to Jira Service Management'. This will send the current ticket to the Jira Service Management of the customer of the ticket, if the quick action checkbox is selected on, the ticket will automatically send to jira when the aciton button is clicked. Only one incident may be linked to a ticket at a time. If the 'Send ticket to Jira Service Management ' is used again on the same ticket, the existing link will be overwritten.
NB: Only the first note on the ticket posts to Jira Service Management
After the Request is sent over, there will be a Jira Service Management ID displayed on the ticket information, which can be clicked on to take you to the ticket on Jira.
The user of the Change Request will try to match on the email of the ticket in Halo but will fall back to the default user if there is no user with that email in Jira Service Management.
To send an action to the Jira Service Management request, you can create an action with the note and 'Sync to Jira Service Management' fields, this option is used so the sync to Jira can be decided per action. There is also a default setting at the action level for the 'Sync to Jira Service Management' checkbox. If checked, the action will be sent to the linked request as soon as it is saved, there is no checkbox on the action. This automated sending can be set here:
Instead of the above, each "Send Update to Jira" action has a checkbox option when using the field "Sync to Jira Service Management" on the field list of the action.
NB: The option to send attachments to Jira, does not work with the Jira Service Management Integration, this is for the Jira Software integration.
If the action is set to private it will be private in Jira Service Management.
Recommended - Having two actions for sending updates: Update Jira Ticket, Private Update Jira Ticket. For the action to be private This is set in halo under the Defaults Tab,:
NB: The action field posted to Jira must be the "Note" Field, Private Note does not work.
Using the action Update Jira Ticket:
No other updates to the ticket in Halo will be synced to the incident in Jira Service Management.
The suppliers function similarly to the customers, except instead of requiring the specific Jira Service Management system use and field, the request will be created when using the 'Log to Supplier' system use if the selected supplier is connected to Jira Service Management. Similarly, actions can be sent to the request by using the 'Email supplier' system use if the supplier linked to the ticket is connected to Jira Service Management.
Syncing back to Halo
To sync updates back to the linked tickets on Halo, webhooks must be configured in Jira Service Management. Only updates to tickets created from Halo will be synced back. This will include all the mapped fields, as well as any comments that were added.
After sending a ticket to Jira for the first time, you can then create the webhook for linked tickets between the default Jira Service Desk and the Halo customer:
You can click the following button that automatically creates a webhook which will post the updates made on Jira into Halo, as demonstrated below:
The ticket comments on Jira instantly post to Halo via the webhook.
The messages posted into Halo from Jira are labelled "Jira Service Management Comment Added"
Suppliers can be configured the same way:
for more information on suppliers, check out this guide: Suppliers in Halo. For example you may want to configure certain actions with the "Log to Supplier" system use to include the checkbox:
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