HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Guides > Asset Templates
Asset Templates
Field | Type | Description |
Asset Type | Single Select | Asset Types (Which is a module found within Asset Management Config) are used to define the category which the asset falls under a type can be i.e. laptop, server, tablet, etc... |
Asset Number | Integer | When creating asset templates, the asset number field will be the name applied to the asset template when creating a template. Then you can select an asset number after applying a template to a new asset during creation. Refer to the guide linked in the description seciton of this article. This can be a uniquely identifying field when importing assets. If this is not the unique identifying field for your asset import (Config >Asset Managemet > General Settings > *Scroll to "Import Assets") then you can set a number on the template. |
Business Owner | Single Select | This can be set to a change advise board, which is configured within Configuration > Tickets > approval processes > *Create a new Setup Process*. The use case is for when you set the "Approve By" option in an approval process step, to business owner of the asset or the related business owner. |
Change Advise Board | Single Select | When a Business Owner is to be selected for the Asset Template, you will have a new dropdown to select the change advise board from. |
Technical Owner | Single Select | You can select an agent to be the technical owner of the asset, or you can select a change advise board. Technical Owners can be selected as the approver of an approval process step. To configure this navigate to Configuration > Tickets > Approval Processes > *Create a new Setup Process* |
Change Advise Board | Single Select | If change advise board is selected from the technical owner list, you will have to choose a CAB on this dropdown. |
Service Level Agreement | Single Select | If you would like to override the SLA's on tickets for assets created via this template, you can set the SLA here, this will then be inherited by the ticket. To have this function working, you will need to add the asset field to your ticket type and also have the asset selected during ticket creation. |
Priority | Single Select | If you would like to override the Priority on tickets for assets created via this template, you can set the Priority here, this will then be inherited by the ticket. To have this function working, you will need to add the asset field to your ticket type and also have the asset selected during ticket creation. |
Status | Single Select | When the asset is created via this template, the status set here will be given to the asset on its creation. |
Related Service Catalogue | Single Select | You can relate the assets generated from this template to a specific service catalogue. If there are assets linked to a service and those assets are linked to knowledge base articles, with this setting enabled, the articles will show when logging a service request. |
Criticality | Single Select | Asset criticality is the value a business assigns to its most vital equipment based on schema of its own design. Usually, criticality is visualized on a ranked list of work orders and orders in progress known as an asset criticality ranking (ACR). Asset criticality can be added as a column profile field from within Configuration>Asset Management>General Settings>Column Profiles. |
Active | Checkbox | This checkbox determines whether or not the asset is in use or not. When deactivated, the asset will not show unless you have "Show inactive assets" in your column profile view (To temporarily add this when viewing assets, you can toggle it on via the ellipse on the top right hand side of the asset list. |
Model | Free Text | The model of the assets being created from this template |
Serial Number | Free Text | The serial number for assets being created from this template. This may be the unique identifier field, if this is the case, leave this field blank on the template. The unique identifier field can be set from within Configuration>Asset Management>General Settings>*Scroll to the Imports section* |
IP Address | Free Text | The IP address of assets created from this template. |
OS Version | Free Text | Operating System version of the asset if applicable. |
Disc Size | Free Text | The amount of space on i.e. the solid state drive of a laptop, that is associated with the assets created from this template. |
Processor | Free Text | The processor of the assets created via this template |
RAM Memory | Free Text | memory associated to assets created from this template if applicable. |
Contract Expires | Free Text | Here you can enter a date that the contract associated with the asset expires. An automated ticket can be created based on this date. |
Connect | Date | An address field which may need to be used when connecting to an asset via remote connection. |
Purchase Cost | Float | The purchase cost of assets created via this template. |
Notes | Free Text | Any extra notes relevant toassets created from this asset template can be added here. |
Field | Type | Description |
Users | Multi Select | Select the users that are attached to assets which are created via this template. |
Downstream Relationships | Multi Select | Assets that have downstream relationships to this asset. |
Upstream Relationships | Multi Select | Assets that have upstream relationships to this asset. |
Other Relationships | Multi Select | Other relationships are relevant for assets that are i.e. connected to, runs on, installed on the main asset. You vould have a relationship between a laptop and a monitor. Asset dependency can be shown on a diagram within a tab on a ticket, checkout this guide: Ticket Field Lists |
Knowledge Base | Multi Select | Attach knowledge base articles to this asset template. |
Licences | Multi Select | Attach software licenses to your templates, to create a relationship between assets and licenses. |
Supplier and Maintenance
Field | Type | Description |
Supplier | Single Select | Select the default supplier for this asset. (Only applicable if the suppliers module enabled). |
Service Level Agreement | Single Select | Here you can set the service level agreement used for assets created from this template. This will override the SLA set against the agreement. (Only applicable if the suppliers module enabled). |
Priority | Single Select | Here you can set the priority used on SLAs for assets created from this template. This will override the priority set against the agreement. (Only applicable if the suppliers module enabled). |
Purchase Date | Single Select | Here you can set the purchase date of assets created from this template. (Only applicable if the suppliers module enabled). |
Reference | Free Text | Here you can add a reference field used for suppliers, for assets created from this template. (Only applicable if the suppliers module enabled). |
Prevent this Asset from being consigned | Checkbox | When checked, assets created from this template will not be able to be consigned. |
PO Number | This will be populated with the PO number associated to the asset created from this template. | |
Scheduled Tickets | Table | Here you can create a scheduled ticket associated with assets created from this template. |
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