HaloITSM Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloITSM platform
Agent Statuses
In this guide we will cover:
- Making Agent Statuses
- Changing Agent Statuses Manually
- Changing Agent Statuses Automatically
- Logging Changes
- Mentioning Agents
- Re-Assigning to Agents
- Status for Live Chat
- Agent Idle Timeout
Admin Guides:
Related Guides:
- Agents
- Appointments
- Chat Bot and Chat Profiles
- Distributing Tickets in Halo (Intelligent Routing, Load Balancing, Round Robin, Qualification Matching)
- Shifts
Making Agent Statuses
In Configuration > Teams & Agents > Statuses, you can view a list of configured statuses, and create your own.
Fig 1. Agent status.
Changing Agent Status Manually
Agents can change their status by clicking their profile picture in the top right, and then the dropdown that shows their status.
Fig 2. Changing agent status in the dropdown.
Changing Agent Statuses Automatically
Agent statuses can be changed automatically when mappings are set against them. Ticking the two below checkboxes will enable this, and upon enabling the first a table called "Agent Status Re-Assign Mappings" will then appear.
Note: Manual changes are as of v2.178.1.
Fig 3. Settings to configure automatic changes.
Mappings can then be created in that table. If an agent changes their status from "Available" to "Out of Office", the agent's tickets will go to the Unassigned queue.
Fig 4. Setting agent status mappings.
In this example here, an agent has changed their status from "Available" to "Out of Office" manually.
Fig 5. Ticket in agent's queue with Available status.
After refreshing, the ticket that was once in their queue has now been automatically reassigned to Unassigned.
Fig 6. Ticket moved to Unassigned after changing status.
The changes can also apply to agent status changes from appointments, per the first checkbox. When creating appointments, the "Agent Status" dropdown can set whether the status changes, and if so what to. Using the same mappings, their tickets will be re-assigned if a mapped status change is set here.
Fig 7. Setting agent status on a calendar appointment.
Default statuses can also be set on appointments in Configuration > Calendars and Appointments > General Settings rather than per appointment.
Fig 8. Default agent status on appointments.
If done through shifts instead of appointments, "Default Agent Status" can be set on the shift type in Configuration > Time Management > Shift Types.
Fig 9. Default Agent Status on a shift type.
Let's have a look at the shift re-assign in action. Before the shift, Amir has a ticket in his queue, and his status is set as "Available".
Fig 10. Ticket with available status of agent.
We then create a shift that starts at 15:20 that changes his status to "Out of Office", which is the status we created the mapping for before.
Fig 11. Creating a shift that changes agent's status.
Once it reaches the beginning of his shift, Amir's status changes and his tickets are reassigned based on that mapping.
Fig 12. Ticket's load balancing out after beginning of the shift.
Logging Changes
As of v2.178.1, changes to agent status can be tracked if "Enable logging of Agent Status Changes" is turned on in Configuration > Advanced Settings.
Changes are tracked in the "AgentStatusChangeLog" table, which shows the what the change has changed to and from, who did it, and when.
Fig 13. Enabling agent status change tracking.
Mentioning Agents
When mentioning agents in an action, this warning will appear if their status is set to one where "Show a warning when mentioning an Agent with this Status" is set to "Yes".
Fig 14. Warning after mentioning agent in an action.
Re-Assigning to Agents
When re-assigning to agents, this popup will appear if "Show a warning when assigning to an Agent with this Status" is set to "Yes".
Fig 15. Warning after reassigning to an agent.
Status for Live Chat
Whether or not a status is considered online for live chat can be set on the status, when "Count Agent as online for Live Chat" is set to "Yes".
Fig 16. Count Agent as online for Live Chat checkbox.
Load balance and round robin can also be used for tickets created from a live chat, and availability for being assigned these tickets can be set against the agent status.
"Include Agents with this Status in Load Balance and Round Robin for Tickets linked to a Chat" should be enabled for this.
Note: For this setting to appear, "Include Agents with this Status in Load Balance and Round Robin" should be disabled.
Fig 17. Setting load balance/round robin on tickets linked to a chat.
Agent Idle Timeout
Agent idle timeout can be set in Configuration > Advanced Settings. This will log agents out after a period of inactivity specified in the box. Five minutes is the minimum that can be set here.
The two checkboxes below to "Enable idle timeout for named licenced Agents" and "Enable idle timeout for concurrent licences Agents" can be used to specify which license types you wish this to apply to.
Fig 18. Agent idle timeout configuration.
Before the agent is logged out, they will get this popup show to tell them this, where they will shortly be redirected to the login screen.
Fig 19. Timeout popup.
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